December Holidays 2025 Daily Calendar with Holidays

About December 2025 Holidays
The 2025 December holidays are upon us. And, soon it will be 2026. Wow, where did the year go!? You could say that December is one big holiday. It includes the big ones like Christmas, New Year, Hanukah, and Kwanza. It also includes a plethora of December National holidays and, December International Holidays for us to enjoy. Many of them are seasonal holidays like “Festivus for the Restivus”, “Christmas Card Day”, and “Hum Bug Day”. Make sure to take a little time from your busy holiday shopping and preparation, to thoroughly enjoy all of the December holidays on our calendar.

2025 December Monthly Celebrations
Here are month -long celebrations we can enjoy the whole month long!
- Art and Architecture Month
- Bingo Month
- Human Rights Month
- Made in America Month – Keep this in mind as you buy holiday gifts.
- National Fruitcake Month
- Read a New Book Month
- World Food Service Safety Month
- Write a Friend Month
Weekly Events for December 2025
Here are some December holidays you can enjoy for seven whole days!
- Computer Science Education Week – The second full week of December.
- Cookie Cutter Week – The first full week of December.
- National Handwashing Awareness Week – first week of the month
- Human Rights Week – second week in December
- Thank a Soldier Week – the week including Christmas

2025 December Calendar with Holidays - National, Special, Wacky Days
December 1
Cyber Monday – The Monday After Thanksgiving.
December 2
World Pollution Prevention Day
December 3
National Roof over Your Head Day
December 4
Santa’s’ List Day – we hope you are on the “Nice” list
December 5
Repeal Day – The 21st Amendment ends Prohibition. I’ll drink to that!
December 6
Bartender Appreciation Day – in Europe
December 7
International Civil Aviation Day
National Cotton Candy Day – would you like some fairy floss?
December 8

2025 December holidays include many International and National Holidays
December 9
December 10
White Elephant Day – The second Wednesday in December.
December 11
December 12
December 13
December 14
Hanukah begins – The date varies.
International Children’s Day – The second Sunday in December.
U.K. National Postal Worker Day
December 15
December 16

Winter Arrives Bringing the Shortest Day of the Year
December 17
National Maple Syrup Day – Have a little sap.
December 18
National Regifting Day – The third Thursday in December.
National Roast Suckling Pig Day
December 19
Ugly Sweater Day – The third Friday of December.
December 20
December 21
Winter Solstice – The shortest day of the year. The date varies.
December 22
National Date Nut Bread Day – or September 8!?
December 23
Festivus – for the rest of us
December 24

Hang Up Your Stocking 'Cuz Santa's on His Way
December 25
National Pumpkin Pie Day for recipes see Pumpkin Nook ‘s Cookbook
December 26
Boxing Day – The date can vary.
December 27
December 28
Lego Build Day – The date may vary.
December 29
Tick Tock Day – It’s a call to action.
December 30
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day
December 31
We hope you enjoy all of the National and International December holidays, along with unique and quirky days. Please share our site with your friends.
We strive hard to bring you the very best in-depth factual information about all of the holidays we find. And, we try do so in a light-hearted, enjoyable manner. As we document a holiday, we perform deep research to bring you everything we can find about the holiday. We want our readers to be as informed as possible.
Please come back often!
2026 dates will be available later in 2025.
Holiday Insights is one of the original holiday calendar websites. We are proudly one of the very few websites that actually research each holiday and special day prior to publishing them.
Holiday Insights, where everyday is a holiday, a bizarre day, a wacky day ,or a special event. Join us in the fun each and every day of the year.
Did You Know? There are literally thousands of holidays, special events and observances, more than one for every day of the year. Many new holidays are being created on a very frequent basis. At Holiday Insights we strive to thoroughly research and report details of each one as accurately as possible.