Daily Calendar Holidays by Month - 2023, 2024

No Shortage of Daily Calendar Holidays by Month
There is a wealth of daily calendar holidays and special days to put on your calendar and enjoy. They number in the thousands. Some holidays are serious, while others may be wacky, bizarre, unique, special, different, or otherwise simply fun holidays. There are literally thousands of National days, international days, and special events to celebrate. Many of them have been around for decades or longer and are steeped in tradition. While other holidays were very recently created. And, countless new holidays are being created every year. We may never be able to document them all. But, we are trying our hardest. Looking for a wacky holiday day to celebrate, perhaps? You’ve come to the right place. We hope you celebrate each and every one of them.
Click on the month below to see our daily calendar holidays by month. There is a special day for just about everyone and everything.
Daily Calendar Holidays by Month
It’s a brand new year full of hope and optimism.
January is one of the two coldest months of the year in the northern hemisphere. But, there are many holidays big and small, to help keep you warm. And, celebrating them will help to make the winter days go by a little quicker.
The big holidays this month include: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day
Notable, cute little January holidays: Houseplant Appreciation Day, World Introvert Day, Global Belly Laugh Day
We’ve quickly come to the coldest, and one of the snowiest months of the year. Let’s be thankful there are only 28 or 29 days this month. Early in the month, a groundhog wakes up early in the morning to predict how much longer winter will last. Then, in mid-month, despite the weather, Valentine’s Day will warm our hearts, if not our toes. And, if you are in between relationships right now, there’s a special day right after Valentine’s Day that is expressly for you.
The big holidays this month include: Ground Hog’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, Chinese New Year
Notable and cute little February holidays: Feed the Birds Day, Tell a Fairy Tale Day, Public Sleeping Day, Single’s Awareness Day
Spring arrives this month. Every day, the sun creeps a little higher into the cold sky. For those of us in the warmer parts of the country, the spring weather is already quite pleasant and getting warmer by the day. Meanwhile, those of us in the north are watching the snow slowly recede, as we anxiously await the first blooms of spring.
The big holidays this month include St. Patrick’s Day, a day when everyone is Irish. In some years, Easter falls in March, too.
Among the smaller and often cute March holidays, we find: Plant a Flower Day, The Ides of March (Et Tu, Brutus?), Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
Finally, Spring is in bloom everywhere in the country. Have you ever seen so many daffodils and tulips? It’s time to put away the snow shovels and bring out the garden shovel. Baseball is back, so let’s go to a game. Break out the shorts, too. Ps. Don’t forget the suntan lotion.
The big holidays this month include April Fool’s Day when the joke is on you. Easter sometimes falls in April.
Among the smaller and cute April holidays, we find: National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, Walk on Your Wild Side Day, Kiss Your Mate Day, Find a Rainbow Day
This month we celebrate mom and ponder all the memorable things mom said to us when we were little. They’re called “Momisms“. May also brings warm temperatures and millions of spring flowers. There are more than enough flowers for Kentucky Derby Day (Mint Juleps anyone!?), May Day and all the other spring and garden days that occur this month. Speaking of gardens, gardeners are most likely to be found out in the garden with their hands in some warm, rich soil. The month ends with Memorial Day, signaling the unofficial start of summer.
May is a huge month for major holidays. The big holidays this month include: Kentucky Derby Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day
Among the other special and cute May holidays, we find: Lilac Sunday, Be a Millionaire Day, National Sea Monkey Day
Summer arrives. School is out and summer vacation begins. The pool and beaches are open. The summer heat and humidity is still a few weeks away for most of us. For now, let’s enjoy the beautiful weather. But, save a little time each day to enjoy the many “cool as a summer breeze” holidays that occur this month.
The big holidays this month include: Flag Day, Fathers’ Day
Among the smaller and often cute June holidays, find: National Bubba Day, National Trails Day, National Flip Flop Day
It’s July. You don’t have to be told that it’s hot and humid. Why it’s so hat that you could fry an egg on the front sidewalk? Your air conditioner is running full blast. Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. We’re rolling out those lazy hazy, crazy days of holidays. Appropriately, many of them are sizzling hot.
The big holidays this month include: The Fourth of July – celebrating America’s birthday, Canada Day (Dominion Day)
Among the smaller and often cute July holidays, you will enjoy: Hammock Day, National Bikini Day, Sidewalk Egg Frying Day
What this month lacks in big holidays (There aren’t any), it makes up for by the fact that August is seemingly one big vacation holiday. Everyone is taking vacation days at the beach, at national parks, or by the fire at a campsite. While there may not be big holidays this month, there’s no shortage of lesser-known holidays to celebrate in the hammock with your favorite cold beverage.
The big holidays this month include None! The whole month is a holiday.
Among the smaller and often cute holidays, you can enjoy: National Mountain Climbing Day, Left Hander’s Day, National Hot Dog Day
Summer is over. Vacations are over as we go back to school and work. The weather remains hot for a little while longer. Fall arrives later in the month. Football returns. However, there’s no shortage of big and small holidays this month.
The big holidays this month include: Labor Day, Grandparents Day, and Oktoberfest begins
Among the smaller and often cute September holidays, you will enjoy: Native American Day, National Tailgating Day, Fortune Cookie Day
As Fall takes hold, there are apples and pumpkins everywhere. We are back indoors and open up our fall cookbooks to bake some of these delicious fall fruits. There’s a nip in the air. Some of us will see the first snowflakes of the season before the month is over. This month ends on an eerie note with Halloween, one of the biggest and most fun holidays of the year. The weeks-long lead-up to Halloween is filled with frights, parties, and plain old good times.
The big holidays this month include: Halloween, Boss’s Day, Sweetest Day
Among the smaller and often cute October holidays, you will enjoy: National Boyfriend Day, Cookbook Launch Day – just in time for the holidays, Frankenstein Friday
On the threshold of the huge Christmas holiday season, we get a chance to slow down and give thanks for all that we have. Some people enjoy Thanksgiving more than any other holiday. Why? Simply because Thanksgiving is all about the “Four Fs”: food, family, football, and fun. There’s little stress until Black Friday when Christmas shopping begins with a frenzy online and in brick-and-mortar stores.
The big holidays this month include: Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, Black Friday
Take a minute to enjoy the smaller and often quirky November holidays: Plan Your Epitaph Day – if you must, Sadie Hawkins Day – Ladies, here’s your chance, Chia Pet Day
December is a month of fun, stress, and hectic activity, as we lead up to the biggest holiday of them all… Christmas! The month ends with a bang, as we ring out the old year and bring in the new. Ahh, it’s going to be a wonderful year!!
The big holidays this month include: Christmas, New Year’s Eve
Don’t be so busy that, you miss the small and bizarre Decemberholidays this month, including Festivus – it’s for the rest of us, National Ding-a-Ling Day, Crossword Puzzle Day
Other Holidays
Food Holidays – These are holidays you can really sink your teeth into.
Garden Holidays – It’s not just for gardeners. Everyonc can enjoy these special days.
2024 dates will be available later in 2023.
Holiday Insights is one of the original holiday calendar websites. We are proudly one of very few websites who actually research each holiday and special day prior to publishing them.
Holiday Insights, where every day is a holiday, a bizarre day, a wacky day, or a special event. Join us in the fun every day of the year.
Did You Know? There are literally thousands of holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. Many new holidays are being created on a very frequent basis. Consequently, at Holiday Insights we strive to thoroughly research and report details of each one as accurately as possible.