Moreholidays December Regifting Day


National Regifting Day

Christmas Tree

About National Re-Gifting Day

When is National Regifting Day? This holiday is observed on the third Thursday in December

Have you received an early Christmas gift? By now, many of us have. Is it something you don’t want or don’t like? Then, National Regifting Day is perfect for you. You’re going to have a lot of fun on Re-Gifting Day. On this holiday, it’s perfectly okay to get rid of that ugly sweater you just received. If you don’t like the fruitcake someone gave you as a holiday present, don’t throw it away. Regift it today. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, you never know, that ugly sweater you regift today might be beautiful and cherished by its new recipient.

Regifting has gone on for a long time. Over the years, it has become acceptable as long as the new recipient does not know it is a regifted item. Unlike white elephant gifts, which can be virtually anything old or new, a regifted item must be new and unused. And, it needs to be in the manufacturer’s original packaging. 

Today’s Slogan: One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. 

Wrapping Presents, National Regifting Day, White Elephant Wednesday

The Roots of National Re-Gifting Day

The roots of this holiday go back to office parties in the 1980s. Often the parties included a “White Elephant” game. Co-workers wrapped up something they did not want and played a game of giving away the white elephant gift to each other. White elephant gifts can be new or used. And, the gift could be worth something, or useless.  

Eventually, the idea of rewrapping new, unused presents you don’t want and giving them to someone else caught on. The popularity of regifting took off as a result of a Seinfeld sitcom episode in 1995 titled “The Label Maker”. In this hilarious episode, the Seinfeld characters wrapped an unwanted label maker and gave it to one another. As a result, the popularity of regifting became wildly popular. And importantly, regifting became acceptable. 

Basic Rules for Regifting Presents

There are few rules. And, they are simple. 

  • The item must be new.
  • The item must be unused. For example, if Grandma gave you a store-bought ugly sweater and you haven’t worn it, you can regift it and give it to some “lucky” person. 
  • Do not tell the person who originally sent it to you. They will be offended.
  • Do not tell the receiver of the regifted item. They will also be offended.  
  • If you receive a gift, you suspect is re-gifted accept it and say “thanks.
  • It is rude to refuse to accept it. And, it is offensive to regift it and give it right back.
  • However, you can regift it and give it to someone else.
  • It is okay to snicker and chuckle as you re-wrap the gift. Just don’t let anyone see you do it.
When is Ugly Sweater Day?

How to Celebrate National Regifting Day

Participating in National Regifting Day is simple. When you receive a gift you don’t want, re-wrap it and give it to someone else. It must be a new, unused item.

The only problem with celebrating this holiday is you may not have received any gifts yet, especially one you do not like. We won’t tell if you re-gift something you’ve had for a while. However, remember, it must be new and unused.

Did You Know? Some of the most commonly regifted items include candles, wine and alcohol, fruitcake, gift baskets, and bath soaps and gels.

Today's Quote

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – – Buddha

History and Origin of National Regifting Day

On October 24, 2008, the Colorado state government officially declared National Re-gifting Day. The holiday was first celebrated later that December.

One could argue that it was a state government that declared this a national day, so it is not a true national holiday. In our opinon, it is certainly close enough.

Definition of “National” Days – And why it is important to distinguish true national days.

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