Count Dracula a Halloween Vampire

About Halloween Vampires
The best-known Halloween vampire is Count Dracula. While we hear a lot about him during the Halloween season, trust me when I tell you he is out stalking the world all year long. So, you must be on the lookout for vampires whenever you are outside at night. Where is Buffy the Vampire Slayer when you need her?
By definition, a vampire is a blood-sucking parasite. He will get “up close and personal”. Then, he will give you more than a hickey. He lures his victims with his good looks and charm. Once he gets close enough, he bites your neck, sinking his fangs deeply into it. Then, he sucks your blood… all of it. They are not particular about blood type. Any blood type will do. A Vampire readily transforms from a bat to a human form and back. In human form, he is usually attractive with a strong, persuasive, even seductive personality. While most vampires are male, female vampires do exist.
You definitely do not want to know him. But he really wants to know you!!! Once a person has become a victim of a vampire’s fatal bite, they in turn come back to life as a vampire.
Spotting them is easy. All you need is a mirror. Vampires do not have a reflection, so they are invisible in a mirror. However, getting them in front of a mirror is no easy task. They do not go willingly.
Did you Know? Vampires have “Eisoptrophobia” the fear of mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror.
As for Count Dracula, avoid him at all costs. About Count Dracula
The best-known vampire slayer is Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Thought for the day: If vampires cannot be seen in a mirror, why is Count Dracula’s hair so neatly combed?

How to Avoid Halloween Vampires
There are a few known defenses. They include:
- Garlic – This is the most common vampire repellent. Typically, worn around the neck, in cloves, or on a necklace. You can also rub garlic on your neck. A vampire will not go near a neck with garlic on or around it.
- Cross – If you touch a cross on a vampire, it will burn him. It must be a bonafide cross. If you are caught in a situation, a makeshift cross will not work. Carry a real bonafide, blessed cross with you at all times.
- Rosary – A rosary works just like a cross to keep them away. Use the cross on the rosary to repel him/her and hold it in front of you, to clear a path to safety.
- Daylight and any bright lights – Fortunately, they only operate by night. He sleeps in his coffin with the lid closed tight during the day.
- Keep your neck covered. This is his favorite spot to sink his teeth into you.
Did you Know? Alliumphobia is the fear of Garlic. More on Garlic
A Little Vampire Trivia: A group of vampires is called a clutch or a coven.

How to Kill a Vampire
Everyone knows you can’t just wish a vampire will go away. They are persistent. Rather, you need to kill them, or they will keep on coming back in search of blood, your blood. There are three ways to kill them.
- Shoot a silver bullet through their heart. Certainly, you have some silver bullets lying around somewhere.
- Drive a stake into their heart, while they are sleeping in their coffin. Sure, you can drive in the stake while he is awake . . . if you can catch him and hold him down.
- Trap them in the sunlight or bright lights. Caution, a flashlight is not strong enough.
Are you feeling ill? Porphyria is a rare disease that is also called Vampire Disease or Dracula Disease. It causes vampire-like symptoms. One symptom is an extreme sensitivity to sunlight and sometimes hairiness.
Did You Know? A group of vampires is called a clutch, brood, coven, pack, or clan.

Enjoy Vampires and Our Other Halloween Pages and Resources
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