Halloween Trivia and Fun Facts

About Halloween Trivia
There is no shortage of Halloween Trivia and fun facts. Listed below are just a few of them.
- The Celtic festival of Samhain began around 600 A.D. It later became All Hallow’s Eve which evolved into Halloween.
- Halloween originated in the 8th century. It was a time of mischief. And, evil spirits walked the earth.
- Washington Irving wrote “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow“. This earned him the title “Father of Halloween“.
- Originally, All Hallow’s Eve was a night of mischief. In 1912, mischievous children destroyed Elizabeth Krebs’ garden on Halloween Night. Then in 1913, she invited all of the mischievous neighborhood children to a Halloween party, complete with games and treats. This caught on with the residents of her town. As a result of her efforts, Elizabeth Krebs is known as the “Mother of Halloween”.
- The ancient Druid religion of Celtic tribes worshipped Samhain, the Lord of Darkness. Also, he is referred to as the “Lord of the Dead”.
- Druid New Year begins on November 1.
- Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween. See more Phobias.
- Candy corn was originally called “Chicken Feed”.
- People who wear their clothes inside out on All Hallow’s Eve expect to see a witch.
- The Halloween holiday was inspired by the British holiday Guy Fawkes Day, which occurs annually on November 5.
- Jamie Lee Curtis has appeared in seven Halloween movies… so far.
- Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
- Pumpkins are native to the Americas.
- Ancient Celtic tribes carved Turnips and Rutabagas. Then, they put embers into them to light them and ward off evil spirits during All Hallow’s Eve.
- Early New England residents hid their shoes in walls to protect themselves from evil spirits.
- In 1958, Mamie Eisenhower became the first to decorate the White House for Halloween.

Even More Halloween Trivia
Here are more trivia and interesting facts to share with your family and friends:
- Americans spend approximately $4 billion on Halloween each year.
- In 2013, at the Keene New Hampshire Pumpkin Festival, they displayed 30,531 pumpkins, all lit and glowing at the same time. Rumor has it, the residents are still “glowing” over this feat.
- A pumpkin is a fruit.
- Transylvania is in the country of Romania. C’mon, admit it. You didn’t know this factoid.
- The most popular costume for pets is a pumpkin followed by ha hot dog and a bat.
- The average human skeleton has 206 bones.
- Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein” in 1818.
- “Hocus Pocus” was filmed in Salem, MA.
- Three witches appeared in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”. They are called Weird Sisters, Weyward Sisters, or Wayward Sisters.
- A group of vampires is called a clutch or a coven.
- Charles M. Schulz’s “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” premiered in 1966.
- Taylor Swift’s song “Haunted” airs on her “Speak Now” album.
- Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
- The 1960’s Tv show Bewitched featured a lovable and good, witch Samantha Stevens. As for her mother, however……
- Vincent Price is the spooky voice in Michal Jackson’s song “Thriller”.
- The state of Illinois produces the most pumpkins.
Halloween Trivia and Facts

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