Halloween Witches, Evil Sorcerers

About Halloween Witches
One of the most well-known characters of Halloween witches are pure evil. It’s important to note that Halloween witches are not the same as witches of the Wiccan religion. Rather, they cast evil spells on unsuspecting people. In the 1800s, the Salem witch trials convicted and put to death many women for practicing witchcraft.
In the sinister netherworld of Halloween, witches are evil. Nah, this is just Halloween malarkey you say! On the contrary, witches are as real as you and me. To make matters worse, they exist in great numbers. Witches are living right among us. Nope, not your mother-in-law. Then again, she just might be. We are talking real, honest-to-goodness broom flying, cauldron brewing, and spell-casting witches.
Did you know? Joan of Ark was condemned as a witch by the English and burned at the stake.
A witch is nothing less than total, evil, and sinister, with a black, and un-remorseful heart. They scheme and plot the use of their sorcery and black magic. Witches use their black magic on innocent and unsuspecting victims. They invoke their evil spell and potions for simple perverse pleasure. They often use witchcraft against someone who did nothing more than cross their path or irritate them in any way.
But can witches be good? Yes, absolutely! We have Glinda the good witch in the “Wizard of Oz” as proof positive.
It wasn’t just witches. Males were also accused of practicing witchcraft. even though we don’t wee as many warlocks, they are out there. And, they have a book full of evil spells and potions. Find out more about Warlocks.

The Salem Witch Trials
Witches are well documented throughout history. The Salem Witch Trials of the 1800s are proof positive of their existence. They were proven to be witches in a court of law. Many of the accused, even admitted their guilt. Back then, if convicted, witches were hung. It was a difficult time. Anyone could accuse someone of being a witch. And, you could not say a word in defense of the accused. If you did, you could be accused of being a witch or a warlock.
Learning from the experience of the Witch trials, witches have become much craftier and more reclusive. They have also learned to disguise the truth about themselves. A crafty witch is often pleasant looking, to outright beautiful. They disguise who they really are. With the added stealth, and a modern society that does not put witches on trial, their numbers are increasing at an alarming rate.
Hot News!! On November 1st, 2001, Salem, Massachusetts cleared 20 people of being witches. These people were convicted and executed for being witches during the infamous Salem Witch trials in the 1800s.

Wiccan, A Good Witch or Warlock
There are plenty of good Wiccan witches and warlocks. They are good, honest people like you and me. They are not the evil, sinister spell crafters of fictitious Halloween lore. A good witch practices witchcraft of a different kind. Their spells and potions are for doing good. Here are some well-known real and fictitious good witches:
- We have Glinda the good witch in the “Wizard of Oz” as proof positive.
- As previously mentioned, Joan Of Arc was convicted of witchcraft.
- The 60’s Tv show Bewitched featured a lovable and good, witch Samantha Stevens. As for her mother, however…….
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch was most definitely good-natured and loved by all (Wiccans and non-believers)
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