National Fruitcake Day

About National Fruitcake Day
When is National Fruitcake Day? This holiday is always observed on December 27
National Fruitcake Day, a December 27 holiday, is today. This day celebrates the rock-hard, fruit-filled holiday cake. While this heavy and overly sweet cake was popular in the 40s and ’50s, we are not sure if anyone has ever eaten this weighty, gooey, sugar-laden cake.
Scientists have been unable to penetrate deeply into a fruitcake, and therefore, have failed to uncover its exact composition. Its density has also hampered its ability to use carbon dating to identify the age of a fruitcake. Unconfirmed rumors suggest that some fruitcakes are hundreds, if not thousands, of years old.
It is very appropriate for this day to be celebrated shortly after Christmas. Once the holidays are over, it’s time to get rid of it. Giving a fruitcake is a Christmas tradition for many. It is also believed that recipients will re-wrap it and give it to someone else. It’s almost a game to see who gets caught holding it on Christmas day. Who knows how many years, or decades, a fruitcake has been passed along? Ultimately, the trick is to make sure you give away it before the holiday season is through. Otherwise, you get the joy of storing it, until the next fruitcake-giving season.
True Fact: In 2017, a 100-year-old fruit cake found by Huntley & Palmers was deemed “almost eatable”. It was discovered in a hut in Antarctica.
Did You Know? It’s an old Irish tradition to smash the unwanted, leftover fruitcake against your front door on New Year’s. It brings both luck and avoids hunger in the coming year. So, if you don’t want the fruitcake you received as a gift for Christmas, put it to good use on New Year’s Eve.

How to Participate in National Fruitcake Day
Here are some ways you can celebrate National Fruitcake Day:
- For those with a sweet tooth, celebrate by eating a slice or two.
- Bake one yourself. See Fruitcake recipe.
- Buy one and give it as a gift.
- If you received one from someone and you don’t want it, regift it to someone else, anyone else.
Today's Quote
The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.
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History and Origin of National Fruitcake Day
Our research did not uncover who created this holiday or why. We would really like to find the creator and ask them why a date after Christmas was chosen for this celebration. It would seem more appropriate to hold it before Christmas.
Our research failed to find any information that suggests this is an official “National” day, which requires an act of Congress or Presidential proclamation. Sure, you may argue that there are a few fruitcakes in Congress. But to date, none of them has sponsored a bill to create or declare a National Fruitcake Day. So, it is not a true and official national day….yet.
Definition of “National” Days – And why it is important to distinguish true national days.
This Day in History
Here are some things that happened on this day:
- “The song “Sweet Adeline”, popular among barbershop quartets, is first sung. (1903)
- Radio City Music Hall in New York City opens. (1932)
- Chemist and bacteriologist Louis Pasteur was born on this day in 1955.
More December 27 Holidays
In addition to National Fruitcake Day, here are more December 27 holidays for you to celebrate and enjoy:
More About Today
Recipe of the Day: Fruitcake recipe
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