World Homeless Day

About World Homeless Day
When is World Homeless Day? This holiday is always observed on October 10
Do you have a roof over your head? If so, be thankful you’re not living in a cardboard box. Homelessness is nothing short of a tragedy. And, sadly it is all too common. World Homeless Day brings to light the plight of hundreds of millions of people around the world who are in need of shelter. Some of these people live right in your community. Small towns and villages are not immune to this problem. This October 10 holiday serves to raise awareness as we often don’t see those in need. Also, the goals of this holiday are to find ways to prevent homelessness. And, this special day also encourages us to support efforts to eliminate homelessness.
There are several key basic things that all human beings need. Shelter is among Maslow’s five basic needs. Like all of these basic needs, homelessness and shelter insecurity is of the utmost human concern over any other wants and needs. Shelter from the elements is a physical and security need. Without it, one cannot focus upon much else in life. During weather extremes, safe shelter goes to the top of the list, as it can be a matter of survival.
Homelessness has been in existence since the dawn of time. And, the problem is pervasive. Perhaps, there will always be homeless people. But, we should not and cannot accept this possibility as a fact of life. Rather, each of us can and should play a role in eliminating homelessness wherever we find it. We can make a real difference. And, that’s what World Homeless Day is all about. So, use this holiday to help put a roof over the heads of those less fortunate than us!
Types of Homelessness and the Root Causes
There are four types of homelessness. They are:
This category includes people who suffer chronic homelessness for longer than a year. There are many reasons for this condition. Some of the causes are people with disabilities, experience ongoing or repetitive and long-term mental and/or physical ailments, as well as substance addiction.
People in this category, experience homelessness three times within a year. Some of the causes of this condition can include mental health disorders, substance abuse, and physical disabilities.
This describes homelessness for less than one year. It is due to a catastrophic event or a major life change. Examples are family crisis, loss of a job, divorce, domestic abuse, or substance abuse.
This group of people temporarily or permanently live with others. Mental or physical conditions often keep them from acquiring housing on their own. These people are called the “Hidden Homeless” because they are not easy to identify to count among the homeless population.
Homelessness is most often caused by:
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Stagnant wages
- Lack of Affordable housing
- Racial inequality
- Family conflicts
- Domestic violence
- Failure of support systems
- Mental and physical ailments and disabilities
Homeless Facts and Trivia
Here are key points about homelessness:
- Over 150 million people around the world are homeless.
- The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates there are over 650,000 homeless souls in the United States that lack permanent shelter.
- There are over 300,000 home foreclosures in the United States every year.
- Seven out of ten Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless.
- In 1837, the Western Soup Society opened the first soup kitchen.
- Homelessness is everywhere, even in small towns and villages. For example, there are approximately 5,700 homeless people in Webster, NY. The population there is 43,000 people.
How to Observe World Homeless Day
Here are some ideas on how to participate in World Homeless Day:
- Get involved. Look up local homeless support groups in your area and volunteer your time.
- Volunteer to work in your local soup kitchen.
- Donate money to groups that aid the homeless.
- Write to your local, state, and federal representatives. Urge them to provide more programs and funding to help end homelessness.
- Organize or participate in fundraisers.
Today's Quote
“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” – – Mother Teresa
History and Origin of World Homeless Day
In 2010, an online discussion among a group of individuals discussed the issue of homelessness around the world and ways to reduce it. They hit upon the idea of creating World Homeless Day to bring awareness of the problem to more people. And, they felt this holiday will encourage people to support efforts to reduce homelessness.
Note: We have not identified the people involved in the online discussion when this holiday was created.
World Homeless Day is now an annual holiday.
This Day in History
In addition to World Homeless Day, here are some things that happened on this day:
- Griswald Lorillard of Tuxedo Park, NY cuts the tails off a tailcoat. This creates the first tuxedo. (1886)
- Spiro Agnew becomes just the second person to resign as Vice President of the United States. He pled no contest to income tax evasion. (1973)
- Auto racer Dale Earnhardt Jr. was born on this day in (1974)
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