Moreholidays October First Responders Day


National First Responders Day

Fire Truck. When is National First Responders Day? October 28 holidays.

About National First Responders Day

When is National First Responders Day? This holiday is always observed on October 28

First responders are a special kind of people. During a crisis, a tragic event, or a medical emergency, the general public is largely helpless to assist. But, these brave souls are there to help us. Often, their assistance is not without risk to themselves, too. For example, a firefighter risks his life running into a burning building to save someone trapped inside. Today is National First Responders Day. This October 28 holiday recognizes the important role they play in society. And we honor them for their courage and valor. Their vital jobs are tough. But, at the same time it is rewarding. On this day, we give thanks and recognition for being there when we need their help. It is a day to show our appreciation for all that they do.  

First responders are a very special kind of person. Many types of people and jobs are first responders. They can be paid positions. Or, they can be volunteers who do it out of a sense of duty to the community where they live. If you’ve ever come upon an accident, crisis, or tragedy, you see the average person running away from the trouble area.  This is not what you see first responders do. They are the brave men and women who run TOWARDS the calamity. And, many of these selfless individuals are volunteers. These volunteers offer their time and services without monetary rewards.

Who are First Responders?

We commonly think of three very important categories of first responders. They are:

Firemen and Women – These first responders run into a burning building to put the fire out, and to save your life. They do this despite often dangerous conditions.

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) – EMTs are the first medical support at the scene of an accident, fire, or other tragic event. These highly skilled and trained individuals can put a band aid on a minor cut, or apply a tourniquet to slow the dangerous loss of blood from a major wound, Also, they perform life-saving CPR and resuscitation.

Policemen and Women – When shots are fired, members of the police force run towards gunshots. In doing so, they save many lives. But, at the same time, they put their lives at risk.

Many other types of people and career fields are first responders in some capacity. Here are some of them:

Good Samaritans – These are regular people like you and me. They come upon someone in need of help or in distress. And, they act to help them. Often, they do so with little regard for their own personal safety.

Security Guards and Personnel – From banks to concert events, security personnel are there to protect us. And, they also are first on the scene to assist us when trouble arises. 

Doctors and Nurses – “Is there a doctor in the House?” Doctors and nurses possess medical and life-saving skills. They readily use them when present at an accident scene or any medical emergency.

Boy Scouts – You may wonder about Boy Scouts being first responders. But, they are trained in basic first aid and CPR. Many times, these young men have saved lives and performed first aid until professional help arrives on the scene.

Ways to Celebrate National First Responders Day

It is very easy to participate in National First Responders Day. Here are some ways how you can show your appreciation:

  • Express your thanks directly to these vital, life-saving support personnel. Some day they just might save your life or the life of someone you love.
  • Bring a cookie tray or donuts and bagels to your local firehouse or ambulance service.
  • Restaurants and coffee shops can offer free food and coffee to first responders.
  • If you see them at a coffee shop or in a bar, pay for their drink. 
  • Put lawn signs in your front yard giving them recognition.
  • If you’ve ever been the recipient of their service, tell your story on social media and express your thanks.
  • Consider becoming a volunteer firefighter or EMT.
  • Donate to a volunteer fire or ambulance service.
  • Take courses in first aid, and CPR.
  • Defibrillators are located in many public places. Learn how to use one. While it is very easy to use, you are better prepared if you are trained to use it before an emergency arises.

Today's Quotes

“Be Prepared… the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.” – – Lord Robert Baden-Powell

“The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.” – – Jonas Salk

History and Origin of National First Responders Day

On May 18, 2017, U.S. Senators Tom Cotton and Elizabeth Warren, and U.S. Congressional Representatives Michael Capuano, Elijah Cummings, and Mark Meadows brought a resolution to a joint session of Congress. The resolution was to create National First Responders Day to recognize and honor their unselfish dedication to aiding others in times of tragedy. It swiftly passed. Now National First Responders Day is an annual event held on October 28 each year. Every year, the President of the United States issues a proclamation for this holiday.

Definition of “National” Days – Learn why it is important to identify and distinguish true National days.

This Day in History

In addition to National First Responders Day, here are some things that happened on this day:

  • Harvard University is founded in Cambridge, MA. (1636)
  • The Gateway Arch in St. Louis is completed. It was built as a tribute to Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase. (1965)
  • Actress Julia Roberts, “Pretty Woman”, “My Best Friends’ Wedding”, many more, was born on this day in (1967)

See more historical events.

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More October 28 Holidays

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