Christmas Religious Meaning

Christmas Bells RInging

Religious Meaning of Christmas

Christmas Bells RInging
Nativity Manger Scene

About the Religious Meaning of Christmas

With all the hype around Santa Claus, we need to stay focused on the religious meaning of Christmas. Christmas is a time for coming home and being with family. The church family also comes home during the advent season, we reflect upon the reason and true meaning of Christmas. And, that is Christ’s birth. More people go to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day than at any other time of the year. Christians come home to their church to celebrate the birth of Christ, and to wonder over his miraculous birth so long ago, Also, we rejoice for the hope he brings to the world.

Heaven knows the world is not perfect. It is not at peace and there are people starving. Christ came into the world to save us and bring us hope. At Christmas time, we think thoughts of peace and hope. And, generosity abound.

Brittain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand celebrate St. Stephans’s Day, or Boxing Day on December 26th. This is a day that the more fortunate give boxes filled with gifts to others who are less fortunate. More on Boxing Day.

The Christmas season for Christians is also called Advent it is a time of preparation and anticipation of the birth of Christ. The Advent wreath is a symbol of the season and holds much meaning. More on Advent and Advent Wreaths

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