Valentine Cupid


Cupid God of Love

Cupid with Arrow, Cupid Symbol of Love

About Cupid Symbol of Love on Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day would not be complete without Cupid, the most recognized symbol of love. Nope, we are not talking about one of Santa’s reindeer. We are speaking of Cupid the god of Love. Cupid’s arrow is potent. It is said that if Cupid shoots his arrow of love and hits you, you will fall helplessly and madly in love with the next person you meet. Roman mythology knows Cupid as the son of Venus, the goddess of love. In Greek mythology, he was known as Eros and was the son of Aphrodite.

In Latin, Cupid has two names. The first is “Cupido” which means “desire? The second is “Amor” which means “love”.

Did you know? Cupid is sometimes shown blindfolded. Why?… Because love is blind!

Cupid's Arrow of Love. Valentine's Day, Feast of Lupercalia

Roman Mythology of Cupid

According to Roman mythology, Cupid fell madly in love with Psyche despite his mother’s jealousy over Psyche’s beauty. While he married her, he also told her never to look at him. He visited her only at night. Her sisters convinced her to look at Cupid despite his warning. So she lit a lamp one night so she could see him. Cupid then left her.

Psyche wandered aimlessly for a time, searching in vain for Cupid. She happened upon the temple of Venus. Venus, looking to destroy her, gave Psyche a series of perilous tasks, each one more difficult and previous than the preceding one. Her final task was to deliver a little box to the underworld and get some of the beauty of Proserpine. She was warned not to open the box. But again, curiosity overcame her and she opened the box. There was nothing in the box but deadly slumber. (Don’t despair, this story has a happy ending!)

Cupid, who really loved Psyche all the while, came upon her lifeless body. He forgave Psyche and swept the deadly slumber back into the box. The gods then made Psyche a goddess.

At this point, it is appropriate to say “and they all lived happily ever after”. Oh, by the way, if he hits you with one of his arrows, you too will live happily ever after!

For those looking for love, make yourself a target for Cupid’s arrow.  Cupid the God of Love will find you.

Note: There are many versions of the story of Cupid and Psyche. The basic theme is the same, but the details of the myth vary.

Cupid Victims Lovers

Cupid Trivia and Fun Facts

Here are interesting Cupid trivia and fun facts:

  • In Roman mythology, he is known as Cupid. The Greeks called him Eros.
  • Cupid is known as the Roman god of affection, attraction, desire, and erotic love.
  • He is the son of Mars, the god of war, and Venus, the goddess of love. Most often, this god is pictured wearing a diaper while holding a bow and arrow. Sometimes, Cupid is described as being blind. It’s no surprise as love is indeed blind!
  • He holds two kinds of arrows. If you are hit with the gold-tipped arrow, you will fall in love with someone. If he hits you with the lead-tipped arrow, it has the opposite affect. You will develop an aversion to love.
  • Cupid married Psyche. She is the youngest and most beautiful daughter of a Greek king and queen.
  • Psyche’s beauty is often compared to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love.
  • Cupid and Psyche had a son named Voluptas.
  • Cupid is winged because lovers are flighty.

Thought for Today

‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. – – Alfred Lord Tennyson

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