Moreholidays October Grouch Day


National Grouch Day

Scrooge Bah Humbug Day. When is National Grouch Day? October 15 holidays.

About National Grouch Day

When is National Grouch Day? This holiday is always celebrated on October 15

Do you wake up in the morning bright-eyed, bushy-tailed with a smile on your face? Or, do you begrudgingly arise from your bed like a grumpy old curmudgeon with a scowl in your voice? If you are the latter, then you’re going to love this holiday. Today is National Grouch Day. On this October 15 holiday, it is perfectly acceptable to whine, moan, and complain. Go ahead and be a “Negative Nancy”.  If someone calls you a miserable old coot, just growl at them and say “That’s right!” Don’t let anyone spoil your miserable day. Tomorrow, we can call you out for bellyaching, but not today. 

The world has its share of grouches who spend their days being miserable and downtrodden about the whole world. And, they enjoy bringing others down to their level. More often than not, we shy away from them. However, today we pay more attention to their antics. Often, we can see the humor in their behavior and antics. On this holiday, we can even behave like them, if we prefer. However, if you do, be prepared for unpleasant reactions from your family and friends. And, make sure they know why you’re acting like a grouch.

Today’s Theme Song:I Love Trash“, sung by Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street. 

Famous Grouches

Certainly, we love to hate grouches. And, we often laugh through their misadventures, trials, and tribulations. Here are some of the better-known grouches:

Ebenezer Scrooge – Scrooge is the best-known grouch. We all got to know him in the classic movie “A Christmas Carol”. Several versions of this movie were made over the years.

Scrooge McDuck – An uncle to Donald Duck, he appeared in a cartoon version of “A Christmas Carol”. 

Groucho Marx – Born Julius Henry Marx, he was one of the Marx Brothers comedy team. They starred in 13 feature films.  Groucho’s appearance, including his “Groucho glasses” made him instantly recognizable.

Oscar the Grouch – The lovable Oscar the Grouch is an original member of the Sesame Street cast. Sesame Street premiered in 1969. In the first year, Oscar’s fur was orange. Since 1970, his fur has been green.

Mr. Wilson – He was the grouchy Neighbor on Dennis the Menace. Of course, Mr. Wilson has good reason to be grouchy. He lives next door to Dennis and suffers through many of Dennis’santics. 

Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau – They are the actors who starred in the movie, “Grumpy Old Men” (1993).

The Grinch – He stole Christmas.  But, then at the end of the book and movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, he found that “Christmas was a little bit more”. So, on Christmas morning, he returned all of the presents and decorations to the people in Whovile.

Did You Know? “Donald Grump” appeared on Sesame Street. It was in 2005 before he became president. Of course, in his skit with Oscar the Grouch, he had more trash than Oscar.

How to Celebrate National Grouch Day

This is a day to show off your grumpy side. However, we suggest you do not do this at your place of employment.  Here are some ways to grumble and moan through your day:

  • Sit down with the kids and watch Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street.
  • Act like a grouch.
  • Binge-watch old Marx Brothers movies.
  • Dress like Groucho Marx.
  • Growl at people as you wish them a happy National Grouch Day.
  • If someone is acting like a grouch, let them know.
  • Cheer up a grouch. Now, this is often a big challenge. However, we know you’re up to the task!

National Grouch Day Quote

“Frowning makes me happy” – – Oscar the Grouch

“My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here.” – –  Jim Henson

” I never forget a face. But, in your case, I’ll make an exception.” – – Groucho Marx

History and Origin of National Grouch Day

Alan Miller, Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Grouches (NAG) created National Grouch Day. He chose to celebrate this holiday on October 15, because Oscar the Grouch premiered on Sesame Street on October 15, 1969.

The earliest reference we found to this holiday was in 2013. 

Definition of “National” Days – Learn why it is so important to distinguish and identify true national days.

This Day in History

In addition to National Grouch Day, here are some things that happened on this day:

  • “I Love Lucy Show” premiered on television. (1951)
  • U.S. Department of Transportation was created. (1966)
  • Mario Puzo, novelist, wrote “The Godfather” was born on this day in (1920)

See more historical events.

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