Moreholidays October Haunted Refrigerator Night


Haunted Refrigerator Night

When is Haunted Refrigerator Night? Halloween Ghosts. October 30 holidays.

About Haunted Refrigerator Night

When is Haunted Refrigerator Night? This spooky holiday is always celebrated on October 30

As we approach Halloween, is any place safe from ghosts, demons, and paranormal activity!? Apparently, not. As Halloween night nears, ghosts are haunting pretty much everywhere you look. Today, the night before Halloween is Haunted Refrigerator Night. The title of this holiday suggests a nighttime haunting. However, we have it on good authority that refrigerators are haunted during the daytime, too.  On this October 30 holiday, it is imperative that you stay out of your refrigerator. Who knows what evil lurks inside!? And, you certainly don’t want to open the refrigerator door and let loose the demons and ghosts that are hiding behind the moldy cheese in the back of your refrigerator. And, you never know, there could be all sorts of ghoulish creatures in there, too.

Refrigerator ghosts and demons tend to hide in the back of the refrigerator. They like to hide behind week-old leftovers and moldy cheese. When the door is shut, they emerge from their hiding places and frolic throughout the refrigerator. If you open the door quickly, you can catch sight of them. But, don’t let them out! Slam the door as fast as you can. If these lost souls get out of your refrigerator, it’s all but certain they will find a way out of your home, too. Then, they will turn your community into a ghost town by Halloween night. And, that’s tomorrow night!

Important Note: The garlic in your refrigerator will not protect it from ghosts and demons. However, it will keep vampires out of your refrigerator. 

Today’s Favorite Movie: Ghost Busters (1984)

Everyone’s Favorite Ghost: Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Ghost ani

Ghostly Trivia and fun Facts

Here are some ghostly trivia and fun facts to haunt your dreams for the next several nights:

  • Parapsychology is the study of ghosts and paranormal activity.
  • Most ghosts are spirits temporarily caught between worlds. 
  • A Poltergeist is a ghost that can interact with the physical world. 
  • Humans have seen ghosts for thousands of years. Ancient Babylonians created images of ghosts around 3,500 B.C.
  • After Mount Vesuvius exploded, ghosts were seen in and around the wreckage. 
  • In the United Kingdom, it is a tradition to tell ghost stories during the Christmas season.
  • 65% of Americans admit to believing in ghosts. We suspect the other 35% believe in ghosts, but refuse to admit it. 
  • About 20% of the population claim to have seen them.
  • It is believed that ghosts are here as they are souls who still have unfinished business in this world before they can move on.
  • The most common way to get rid of them is to politely ask them to leave. If that doesn’t work, remove any objects associated with them.  As a final resort, call Ghostbusters! 
  • Scientists say there is no evidence of the existence of ghosts. Personally, I beg to differ.
  • People in almost all countries and cultures believe in some form of ghosts or phantoms.
  • In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol, Jacob Marley is the ghost that visits Ebenezer Scrooge.
  • Many people believe Abraham Lincoln haunts the White House in Washington, D.C. 

How to Celebrate Haunted Refrigerator Night

Do you really want to celebrate Haunted Refrigerator Night!? You’re better off staying in bed under the covers all day and night, hiding from ghosts and other ghoulish creatures. If you are brave and choose to venture from the relative safety of your room, here are some ideas on how to celebrate and enjoy Haunted Refrigerator Day:

  • First and foremost, keep your refrigerator door shut.
  • Put a lock on the door. It protects unsuspecting or forgetful family members from accidentally opening the door.
  • Post a large sign on the door, with a skull and crossbones. 
  • Catch the phantoms in the act as they frolic around. On the night before, place a motion-activated video camera in your refrigerator. You can watch the live, make that “dead” action.
  • Tempt fate. Hold a ghostly party and invite all of your friends. Open the refrigerator door and leave it open during the party.  
  • If they get out of your refrigerator, immediately call Ghostbusters.
  • Exorcize your demons. Call your priest to perform an exorcism. 
  • If you see an apparition of any kind, try to get a picture of it.

Note:  Completely emptying the refrigerator the night before will not eliminate these phantoms.

Haunted Refrigerator Night Quotes

“O Death, rock me asleep, bring me to quiet rest, let pass my weary guiltless ghost out of my careful breast.” – – Anne Boleyn

“Halloween isn’t the only time for ghosts and ghost stories. In Victorian Britain, spooky winter’s tales were part of the Christmas season, often told after dinner, over port or coffee.” – – Michael Dirda

“When you feel a ghost, most people will feel chills – you’re feeling the energy.” – – Zak Bagans

History and Origin of Haunted Refrigerator Night

Haunted Refrigerator Night is a copyrighted holiday. It was created and is provided, courtesy of the great folks at

If you like Haunted Refrigerator Night, you will also enjoy all the wild and crazy holidays in Chase’s Annual Events with CDROM


Flying Ghost

This Day in History

In addition to Haunted Refrigerator Night, here are some things that happened on this day:

  • Orson Wells’ “War of the Worlds” is broadcast on the radio, sparking panic as listeners believed the news bulletins about a Martian invasion. (1938)
  • Actor Henry Winkler, the Fonz on the television sitcom “Happy Days” was born on this day in (1945)

See more historical events.

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