When is Stay Home Because You're Well Day? This holiday is always observed on November 30
Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day is today, a November 30 holiday. Do you feel okay? If so, it is a good day to take off from work.
According to Wellcat.com, the creators of this special day, the objective is to call in “well” to your work. It’s as simple as that.
Caution: We recommend you use extreme caution and good judgment. Following the concept of this day could get you a reprimand or cost you your job. Participating in this day might not be the right thing for you to do.
You may be hesitant to call in “well”. Certainly, the boss could become perturbed. And, you don’t want to lie. We suggest you tell the boss you are “under the weather”. This isn’t a lie, as we all are constantly under some kind of weather. Hopefully, you are under sunny weather.
Have a happy Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day.
How to Celebrate Stay Home Because You're Well Day
Are you feeling good today? Take the day off of work.
Because you are well, you may want to spend the day relaxing at home, so no one sees how good your feel.
Today's Quote
“Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.” – – Fred Rogers
History and Origin of Stay Home Because You're Well Day
Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day is a copyrighted holiday. It was created and is provided, courtesy of the great folks at Wellcat.com
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More November 30 Holidays
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