Lucky Penny Day

About Lucky Penny Day
When is Lucky Penny Day? This holiday is always celebrated on May 23
It’s Lucky Penny Day. Perhaps this May 23 holiday will be lucky for you. Look for pennies lying on the ground. They are lucky. Everyone finds a lucky penny or two. If you find enough of them, they can add up to a cup of coffee, or a candy bar.
Taken at face value, a penny doesn’t buy you much, if anything. It used to. During your parents and grandparents’ days, a penny bought a lot of things. Most notably, “Penny Candy” got its name because a piece of candy cost a penny. Inflation year after year after year, eroded the penny’s value. There has even been some discussion as to whether to discontinue the penny…Heaven forbid!
The penny still serves a very useful purpose… at least some of them are lucky pennies. Lucky pennies are found on the ground. Not all of the pennies you find will be lucky. But, it will only take one lucky penny used to scratch off the mega winner on a scratch-off ticket.
Are you superstitious? Superstition has it that you should only pick up a penny that is lying face up.
Here are some other uses for pennies:
- A penny for your thoughts.
- To put your “two cents” in.
- A necessity for penny pinchers.
Song of the Day: Penny Lane by the Beatles (1967)
- A handy screwdriver when nothing else is available.
Penny Trivia
Impress your friends with your knowledge of pennies and your common cents.
- The official name for this coin is “Cent”, not “penny”.
- About 13 million cents are minted every year.
- A “Numismatist” is a coin collector and someone knowledgeable about coins.
- The fledgling United States first minted pennies in 1787. They were the first coins minted in the U.S. At the time, the U.S. Mint had not even been created.
- There have been 11 penny coin designs.
- From 1793 to 1857, the U.S. mint produced half cents.
- The Indian Head penny was first minted in 1859. It was discontinued in 1909.
- The Lincoln head penny was first minted in 1909. It is the longest-running coin design.
- Pennies are approximately 70% of all U.S. coins minted.
- The first pennies minted in the U.S. had the phrase “Mind Your Business,” printed on it.
- The 1943-D Lincoln Wheat Cent penny made of bronze/copper, is the rarest and most valuable U.S. one cent coin. It has an estimated value of over $2.3 million.
- The term “In God We Trust” was first printed on pennies during the Civil War.
- During World War II there was a shortage of many metals, including copper. In 1943, pennies were made of steel-coated zinc.
- The 1943 steel penny is the only cent coin that sticks to a magnet.
- The copper value in pennies coined before 1982 are worth more than a penny.
- Pennies made after 1982 consist of 97.5% zinc and just 2.5% copper coating.
- The average penny lasts 25 years in circulation.
- Wheat pennies were discontinued in 1959.
- It is illegal to melt pennies. However, you can use it for arts and crafts projects.
How to Celebrate and Participate in Lucky Penny Day
Here are some ways you can celebrate Lucky Penny Day:
- Pick up pennies you find on the sidewalk. They will bring you luck.
- Cash in your penny jar. Treat yourself to lunch with the cash.
- Start a penny collection.
- Put your pennies into the donation jar at the store.
- Make someone’s day. Hand out your lucky pennies.
- Toss a few pennies around sidewalks, parking lots, and hallways. You just might make someone’s lucky day.
- Throw pennies in a fountain and make a wish.
- Buy a scratch-off ticket and use your lucky penny to reveal if you’ve won.
- Start a penny collection.
Did You Know? A coin before it is minted is called a “blank”.
Penny Trivia: In 2021, the Denver and Philadelphia mints produced a combined 7.9 billion pennies.
Today's Quotes
“Money isn’t everything. But, it sure keeps the kids in touch.” – -Author Unknown
“Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck” – -Author Unknown

History and Origin of Lucky Penny Day
Our research did not find the creator or the origin of this day. It made us think about the saying “A penny for your thoughts”. I’d sure give a penny to the creator of this holiday for his or her thoughts on why they created it.
The earliest reference we found to this holiday was in 2010. It is likely much older.
A few websites have begun to incorrectly call it National Luck Penny Day.
This Day in History
Here are a couple of things that happened on this day:
- On this day in 1934, legendary bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde Barrow are shot to death in a police ambush in Louisiana.
- In 1958, Cliff Notes are first used by U.S. schoolchildren.
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