Moreholidays July Milk Chocolate Day


National Milk Chocolate Day

When is National Milk Chocolate Day? July 28 holiday. Chocolate Wheel, Chocoholic

About National Milk Chocolate Day

When is National Milk Chocolate Day? This holiday is always celebrated on July 28

This is going to be a wonderful day. As long as we don’t have to get on the scale, things will be great. Today is National Milk Chocolate Day. This July 28 holiday is a special day for a special treat. Are you a “Chocaholic”? If you are, you look forward to each and every chocolate related holidays. There’s milk chocolate everywhere. So, this holiday is an easy one to enjoy.

There are lots of flavors of chocolate. Milk chocolate is enjoyed in candies and in baking. Milk chocolate is the favorite of millions of people. So, its only fitting that it gets its very own special national day.

Important Note: Don’t be dyslexic about this special day. Today is a day for Milk Chocolate, not Chocolate Milk Day. But, why not wash down a milk chocolate candy, with a glass of chocolate milk!?

Lest there be any doubt about celebrating this day…….. Today should be spent consuming and savoring generous amounts of your favorite milk chocolate treats.

Happy National Milk Chocolate Day!

Chocolate Candies, Candy Store

How to Celebrate National Milk Chocolate Day

It’s always fun to participate in food holidays. Here are a few ways to enjoy National Milk Chocolate Day:

  • Go to a candy store. After inhaling the wonderful aroma, buy some milk chocolates.
  • Bake a recipe.
  • Bring some to your work to share with coworkers.
  • Put a piece of milk chocolate candy into your kid’s lunch bag as a surprise treat.

Today's Quote

“When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.” – – Author Unknown

History and Origin of National Milk Chocolate Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of this day. Most likely, this sweet day was created by chocolate confectioners.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. If you’d like this to become a true “National” day, contact your congressperson.

Definition of “National” Days – and why it is important to distinguish true National days.

This Day in History

In addition to the National Milk Chocolate Day, here are some things that happened on this day:

 World War I began. (1914)

The U.S. Congress authorizes the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating NASA. (1958)

Jim Davis, cartoonist, created “Garfield” was born on this day in (1945)

See more historical events.

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