Moreholidays December Lemon Cupcake Day


National Lemon Cupcake Day

When is National Lemon Cupcake Day

About National Lemon Cupcake Day

When is National Lemon Cupcake Day? This holiday is always observed on December 15

Pucker up your lips. No, you’re not about to be kissed. But, you should be about to bite into a tart, yet sweet, lemon cupcake. Why? Because today is National Lemon Cupcake Day, a December 15 holiday.

Most people love the flavor of lemon. However, it’s too tart for some people. Certainly, those who do enjoy the tart, yet refreshing taste, will agree that the lemon cupcake fully deserves its day of recognition. Eating anything made with real lemons is healthy for you, as it prevents scurvy.

Spread the joy.  Share your enjoyment. Buy or make some lemon cupcakes today. Share them with friends. Seek out people who have never even tried a lemon cupcake today. Induce them to try one of yours. Do these things, and you will truly have a wonderful National Lemon Cupcake Day.

How to Celebrate National Lemon Cupcake Day

  • Bake homemade lemon cupcakes.
  • Or, buy some at the store.
  • Then, eat them.
  • Share them with family, friends, and co-workers.

Today's Quote

When life gives you lemonade, get some tequila and salt.” – – Author Anon

History and Origin of National Lemon Cupcake Day

Our extensive search failed to discover any factual content on this very special day.

There was some reference to this as a “National Day”. Someone must have decided that all food-related holidays should be called “National” days. However, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamations.

Definition of “National” Days – And why it is important to distinguish true national days.

This Day in History

Here are some of the things that happened on this day:

  • The Bill of Rights is enacted, amending the U.S. Constitution. (1791)
  • Gone with the Wind premiered in where else but Atlanta, Georgia. (1939)
  • Maurice H. Wilkins, biophysicist and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA was born on this day in 1916.

See more historical events.

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