Moreholidays May Baking Day


World Baking Day

Holiday Baking Recipes

About World Baking Day

When is World Baking Day? This holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday in May

Bakers, chefs, and home cooking hobbyists rejoice and celebrate. Today is World Baking Day. It is a holiday for anyone who bakes any food at any time and for any reason.  How best to celebrate this May holiday? Bake up a storm of gastrointestinal food treats. Without a doubt, the oven will get a lot of use today. To enjoy this culinary holiday to the fullest, begin by getting together with some of your friends and bake a variety of recipes all day long. Then, set out the dishes and silverware and chow down to the fantastic creations that the group of bakers have made together.

Baking is so many things. It is an essential and fundamental job. And it is a career, too. Chefs and bakers employed at bakeries immediately come to mind. Restaurant workers make all kinds of food for patrons. It is also a career for thousands of workers involved in the food industry. As individuals, we bake to feed ourselves and our families. And, for millions of us, it is a fun hobby.

Humans have been baking all sorts of foods for many thousands of years. Archeological records suggest early humans discovered fire between 70,000 and 120,000 years ago. And, it probably didn’t take those early humans long to discover how to use fire for cooking and ultimately for baking. Around the world, we’ve created countless recipes for cooking and baking our favorite foods. If you have any doubts, just look at the tens of thousands of recipes readily available on the internet.  

Baking Trivia

As a devoted baker, don’t you think you should know everything there is to know about your hobby? Here are a few fun and interesting tidbits to help make you the subject matter expert:

  • In 2014, the world’s oldest oven was discovered in Croatia. It is estimated to be over 6,500 years old.
  • Ancient Egyptians were the first to use yeast.
  • More than 70% of people use social media for recipes.
  • Fresh beads and rolls are the most popular baking products in the United States.
  • Sourdough is the oldest type of bread.
  • Chocolate cake is the most popular cake in the world.
  • Making an apple pie today? The average apple pie contains six to eight average-sized apples.
  • The world’s largest pumpkin pie was made in New Bremen, Ohio in 2010. Amazingly, this pie was 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,699 pounds!
  • Yeast releases carbon dioxide, causing dough to rise.
  • Vanilla comes from the orchid plant.
  • Croissants originated in Austria.
  • Bomboloni is the Italian word for donuts.
  • Pfeffernüsse are cookies made with black pepper. They get their name from the German word “pepper nuts”.
  • Baklava is a baked dessert. It is made of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with honey.
Chocolate Chip Cookies. When is National Homemade Cookies Day? October 1 holidays.

How to Celebrate World Baking Day

Bakers, all kinds of chefs, and homemakers just love this food holiday. Here are some ways you can celebrate and enjoy World Baking Day:

  • Bake a homemade bread. Then, give it to someone.
  • Bake something, anything.
  • Use a recipe you’ve never made before.
  • Support your local bakery.
  • Organizations and groups can hold a bake-off. It will be delicious fun to taste and judge all of the baked goodies.
  • Bake something and bring it to work to share with coworkers.
  • Share pictures of your baked goods on social media. Share your recipes, too.

Tip: Remember, it’s all about the presentation. Any baked goods will taste markedly better when well-decorated.

Pumpkin Pie Day, Slice

Today's Quotes

“Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy.” – – Mary Berry

“If baking is any labor at all, it’s a labor of love. It’s a love that gets passed from generation to generation.” – – Regina Brett

History and Origin of World Baking Day

Unilever USA is the creator of World Baking Day. Originally created in 2012, the date to celebrate this holiday has been changed a couple of times. It was first celebrated on May 17. Then, it was moved to May 20. Now, we celebrate it on the third Sunday in May. It was moved to a Sunday, as Unilever USA felt more people would be home on Sunday and have time to bake.

Do you have any idea why Unilever USA chose to create World Baking Day? There’s no surprise here. It is to promote their line of margarine and other baking products. The original objective for this holiday was to bake homemade bread. Then, give it to someone.

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