World Four Leaf Clover Day

About World Four Leaf Clover Day
When is Four Leaf Clover Day? This holiday is always celebrated on August 2
Today just might be your lucky day. It is World Four Leaf Clover Day. On this August 2 holiday, your sole objective is to find a four-leaf clover. According to Irish folklore, four leaf clovers will bring you good luck. And, we all could use a little of that. Your search is a daunting one. They are a genetic anomaly. It is estimated that only 1 in 10,000 clover leaves are four-leaved. However, it’s the beginning of August and life slows down at this time of the year. The days are long and the weather is superb. There are not a lot of other things on your calendar this month. So, spending an extended amount of time sprawled out on your lawn with a magnifying glass, is the perfect way to enjoy the picture-perfect summer weather.
And so, the search is on. One of the great things about this search is that everybody can get lucky. Everyone can participate, too. All it takes is for each of us to find our own four leaf clover. Sorry, there is no sharing. You must find one all for yourself. And, you can’t hire or coerce someone else to find it for you. You need to find it yourself. Otherwise, the magic of the four leaf clover will not occur.
Did You Know? Clover plants make great indoor houseplants. They grow well in partial shade and do not require a lot of attention.
How to Preserve a Four Leaf Clover
Here are four ways to preserve your lucky four-leaf clover:
- Press it into a book just like you would a rose or flower.
- Laminate it.
- Encase it in clear tape. The packing tape is just about the right size.
- Frame it inside a small picture frame. It’s a great way to show off your lucky charm.

Clover Trivia
- It’s very rare! It is estimated that only 1 in 10,000 clover leaves are four-leaved.
- The four leaves stand for faith, hope, love, and luck.
- One plant produces between 14,000 to 350,000 seeds.
- The seeds remain viable in the soil for up to 14 to 20 years.
- Seed companies once included clover in grass seed mixtures.
- The Irish word for clover is “Shamrock”.
- Shamrocks are not the national symbol of Ireland. Surprisingly, it is the harp.
- Clover is native to Europe. But, it has spread its roots all over the world.
- All parts of the clover plant are edible. There are dozens of clover recipes online.
- It also has medicinal applications.

How to Celebrate and Participate in Four Leaf Clover Day
Participation in this day is easy. And, it’s fun. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate and participate in Four Leaf Clover Day:
- Head outside and search for a four leaf clover. Clovers can be found almost anywhere. Your backyard is a great place to start.
- If you don’t find one in your yard, parks, schoolyards, and fields are also good places to search. You might even find one growing in the cracks of the sidewalk.
- You can conduct your search by yourself, or with friends.
- Or, you can hold a “Find a Four Leaf Clover” party. Invite a group of friends. Offer snacks and beverages. And, certainly offer a prize to anyone who finds one.
Today's Quote
“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And reverie. The reverie alone will do, If bees are few.” – – Emily Dickinson
History and Origin of Four-Leaf Clover Day
World Four Leaf Clover Day was created in 2022 by Bob Matthews of
It is titled a “world” day as clovers are growing all over the world. And, people all over the world have fun looking for a lucky four-leaf clover.
This day was created for several reasons. First, humans always have hope. It drives us forward and keeps us optimistic that our lives will be happy and good. Certainly, finding a lucky four-leaf clover will help us to achieve our dreams. This day was selected, as it is the perfect thing to do on a lazy summer day. And, mid-summer just seems to be a great time to go outdoors for a “treasure hunt”. This holiday can be enjoyed by everyone.
Matthews says he creates very few holidays himself. Certainly, this uplifting day was just waiting to be created. Matthews went on to say he was amazed no one thought to create this special day.
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