Recipes Mince Meat Cookies


Mince Meat Cookies Recipe

Recipe Cookbooks, Cookbook Launch Day, Drink and Food Holidays.

How to Make Mince Meat Cookies Recipe

This Mince Meat Cookie recipe is pretty old-fashioned. Chances are your kids and grandkids have no idea what mincemeat is. Sounds like it is time to introduce them to the wonderful pleasure of mince meat!

From the Kitchen of: Beverly Hicks, Greenwood, S.C.

Note: To some people, it’s “mince meat”. Others spell it “mincemeat”. Whatever way you spell it, this cookie has the same great taste.  

Today’s Quote: “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” – – Lucille Ball

Mince Meat Cookie Ingredients

3 eggs

1 1/3 cups mincemeat

1 cup shortening

1 1/2 cups sugar

3 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Man Cooking at Stove

How to Make Mince Meat Cookies Directions

  1. Preheat oven to 375° F.

  2. In a bowl, mix together dry ingredients,

  3. In a separate mixing bowl, beat the shortening and sugar together.

  4. Add eggs and beat together well.

  5. Slowly mix in dry ingredients.

  6. Mix in mincemeat.

  7. Drop spoonfuls of batter onto a cookie sheet.

  8. Bake for 7 to 8 minutes.

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