Moreholidays October National Nut Day


National Nut Day

Peanuts, When is National Peanut Day? Nuts,

About National Nut Day

When is National Nut Day? This holiday is always observed on October 22

Many of the October holidays center around Halloween and pumpkin themes. However, there’s ample room on the October calendar for plenty of holidays and observances celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics. There’s certainly room in October for a nutty day. National Nut Day is today, an October 22 holiday. It’s a little kooky and crazy if you ask me, as it is the P-nuttiest of all of the holidays.

This day is promoted by the Fair Trade Organization in the U.K. Not surprisingly, it is an organization that promotes and sells healthy nuts. The company has two goals: First, is to raise awareness of the Fair Trade organization’s nut products. No surprise here. The second goal is to encourage us to include healthy nuts in our diet.

Extensive research shows that eating nuts is indeed healthy for us. They are rich in vitamins E and B2, they contain lots of protein, and they are high in fiber. Studies show consuming nuts helps to avoid coronary heart disease, as well as lower bad cholesterol. So, celebrate National Nut Day by adding more nuts to your daily diet.

Like many other holidays, the goals and meaning of National Nut Day have evolved somewhat over the years. Many people use this day to celebrate their kooky and nutty friends. We think this is quite alright and encourage you to continue to do so.

Of course, it is always possible that some of us may use National Nut Day to celebrate the “nut” that screws onto a bolt for fastening things. Perhaps that is a little nutty, perhaps not. You make the call.

Whatever reason you choose to celebrate today, we hope you have a very nutty National Nut Day.

Some Nutty Facts

  • Peanuts are not really nuts. They are Legumes, a member of the “Pea” family.
  • The center of seeds, like pumpkins and squash, is called a “nut”.
  • We spend approximately $800 million a year on peanut butter.
  • Pistachio is known as the “smiling nut” in Iran and the “happy nut” in China.
  • Coconuts are not nuts.
  • Walnuts are the oldest known tree food.
  • Most Brazil nuts do not come from Brazil. They come from Bolivia and take as long as 30 years to mature.

Are you a nut case? If so, you probably understand and enjoy Count Your Buttons Day

How to Celebrate National Nut Day

It’s easy to savor this sweet holiday.

  • Make desserts for both lunch and dinner.
  • Have a dessert for breakfast. Why not!?
  • Have an extra piece.
  • Don’t have room for dessert after a big meal? Switch the menu around today. Eat your dessert as the first course. If you’re too full for the last course, no problem. It’s only salad. 

Today's Quote

“Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.” – – Redd Foxx

When is National Walnut Day

History and Origin of National Nut Day

This nutty day was created by the Liberation Foods Company, the United Kingdom’s fair trade, farmer owned company. We do not know when it was first celebrated. It appears to have been in existence since the early 2000’s.

Interestingly, it was created as a “National” day in the United Kingdom. Yet, those who are promoting it, are encouraging it to be “celebrated around the world”. So, why didn’t they declare it as a “World” or “International” day!? Some questions we will never know the answer to.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a true “National” day in either the U.K. or the U. S. As far as we can tell the neither the British parliament nor the Queen mum declared this a “National” day. In the U.S., we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation supporting a “national” tag.

Definition of “National” Days – Learn why it is so important to distinguish and identify true national days. 

This Day in HIstory

Here are some things that happened on this day:

  • Polish born Karol Józef Wojtyła becomes Pope John Paul II. He is the first non-Italian to become pope in 455 years. (1978)
  • Curly Howard, actor, comedian, one of the “Three Stooges” was born on this day in 1903.

See more historical events.

Related Holidays

There are plenty of nutty holidays to celebrate. Here are some of them you will enjoy:

Chocolate Day

Fudge Day

Grab Some Nuts Day

National Nut Day

Pecan Day

Walnut Day

More October 22 Holidays

Here is another October 22 holiday for you to enjoy:

Smart is Cool Day

More About Today

This Day in History

Famous October Birthdays

Recipe of the Day: Pumpkin Nut Bread

Also See: Pumpkin Recipes Galore and Holiday Recipes and Halloween Recipes

Pumpkin Nook – Visit the folks that know everything about pumpkins. Halloween, too.

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Did You Know? There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. Many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. October holidays are no exception. Consequently., at Holiday Insights, we take great efforts to thoroughly research and document the details of each one, as completely and accurately as possible.