Moreholidays October International Skeptics Day


International Skeptics Day

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About International Skeptics Day

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is observed on either January 13th, October 13th, or the first Friday the 13th of the year

Many of the October holidays center around Halloween and pumpkin themes. However, there’s ample room on the October calendar for plenty of holidays and observances celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics. International Skeptics Day is one of these important and special days. Today is a day to celebrate and be skeptical. It’s the perfect day for you…the “Doubting Thomas”.

Perhaps the earth isn’t round!? Maybe, the sky isn’t truly blue!? Does he(she) love me!? ……..These are the words and questions of the classical skeptic.

 By definition, a skeptic is a person who questions or doubts facts and theories. He, or she, is a misbeliever. A skeptic does not accept the “Given”. If you are inclined to doubt things that you see or hear, then International Skeptics Day is for you. If you practice a little, I’m sure we can make a good skeptic out of you. Go ahead, give it a try. And, what better day to practice skepticism, than  International Skeptics Day?

The first Doubting Thomas was one of Jesus Christ’s twelve apostles. Thomas refuse to believe that Jesus rose from the dead without actually touching his wounds.  

How to Celebrate International Skeptics Day

  • Question and doubt everything you see and hear today.
  • Learn more about Thomas the Apostle, and the first “Doubting Thomas”.

Today's Chuckle

Why did the skeptic have high blood pressure?  Because he took everything with a grain of salt.

History and Origin of International Skeptics Day

We suspect that a real skeptic created this day. And, they did so by first creating doubt about the date to celebrate this special day. We found three dates: January 13th, October 13th, and the first Friday of the year. While Friday the 13th sounds intriguing, we have our doubts……….

We encourage you to celebrate skeptics and skeptical behavior on all three dates!

This holiday is titled an “International” day. True, there are skeptics organizations all over the world. However, we had our doubts. We found no documentation of this day being celebrated anywhere outside of the U.S. 

This Day in History

In addition to Intenational Skeptics Day, here are some other things that happened on this day:

The U.S. Continental Navy was created. See Navy Day (1775)

The cornerstone was laid for the Whitehouse. (1792)

Paul Simon, singer, songwriter, “Simon & Garfunkel” was born on this day in (1941)

See more historical events.

More October 13 Holidays

In addition to International Skeptics Day, here is another October 13 holiday: 

National M&M Day

More About Today

This Day in History

Famous October Birthdays

Recipe of the Day: Peanut Butter Ghosts

Also See: Pumpkin Recipes Galore and Holiday Recipes and Halloween Recipes

Pumpkin Nook – Visit the folks that know everything about pumpkins. Halloween, too.

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Did You Know? There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. Many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. October holidays are no exception. Consequently., at Holiday Insights, we take great efforts to thoroughly research and document the details of each one, as completely and accurately as possible.