Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always observed on October 31
Carve a Pumpkin Day is today, an October 31 holiday. If you don’t carve a pumpkin by today, when will you get to it?
This is your last chance to carve a pumpkin because Halloween is tonight. You’d better hurry. Pull out your carving patterns and get down to work. If you can’t find the patterns you have left over from last year, there’s no time to go to the store. They’re probably sold out, anyway. Just carve a pumpkin freehand. After it’s done, get your costume on and go trick or treating.
We believe this holiday is celebrated a little late. It is better held a few days before Halloween, or the weekend before. On the weekend, there’s time to hold a pumpkin carving party out of it. (I’m all for excuses to have a party!) You can roast pumpkin seeds, drink hot apple cider mull, and enjoy carving out pumpkins. If you decide to celebrate this special day a little earlier than the 31st, I won’t tell………
Did you Know? A pumpkin is not a Jack O’Lantern until it is carved.
How to Celebrate Carve a Pumpkin Day
This is an easy one…
Carve your pumpkins. Do this before it gets dark and the Trick or Treaters some out to haunt your neighborhood in search of candy.
I never met a pumpkin I didn’t like.” – – Jack. O. Lantern
History and Origin of Carve a Pumpkin Day
Our research did not find the creator or the origin of this day. Aside from Ecard companies and calendar websites, there is little reference to this day.
Just a Thought: Wouldn’t this day be better if celebrated on October 31st? That way you can spend more time trick or treating. As previously mentioned, we won’t tell if you celebrate this day a few days early.
This Day in History
Here are some things that happened on this day:
Magician Harry Houdini dies from complications of a ruptured appendix. (1926)
Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated. (1984)
John Candy, actor, comedian was born on this day in (1950)
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Did You Know? There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. Many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. October holidays are no exception. Consequently., at Holiday Insights, we take great efforts to thoroughly research and document the details of each one, as completely and accurately as possible.