Moreholidays May Mint Julep Day


National Mint Julep Day

Mint Julep Day, Recipe

When is National Mint Julep Day? This holiday is always celebrated on May 30

Today is Mint Julep Day. This May 30 holiday is a day to enjoy and savor this frosty and refreshing classic Southern drink. Perhaps Mint Juleps are best known as the official drink of the Kentucky Derby (1938). Today, over 120,00 Mint Juleps are served at the two-day “Run for the Roses” event.

Mint Julep is a bourbon-based alcoholic beverage. A related version of it uses gin instead of bourbon. It originated and is very popular today in areas south of the Mason-Dixon line in the United States.  The roots of Mint Julep may have Arabic origin, where a similar drink called Julab was made with rose petals. Considered a sign of hospitality, Mint Juleps were first served in the early 1800s on Virginia plantations. It quickly spread in popularity across the south. In 1850, Kentucky Senator Henry Clay introduced it to Washington, D.C., at the Round Robin Bar.

Did You Know: Mint Juleps were used medicinally for stomach maladies and other ailments.

Mint Juleps are a frosty cooler. We suspect the originator of this special day set May 30th as the date to celebrate them, as hot weather has arrived in the south by this time. And, it was wise to give this popular drink its’ own holiday separate from the date of the Kentucky Derby.

How to Celebrate and Participate in National Mint Julep Day

How can we celebrate and participate in National Mint Julep Day?

  • Have a mint julep.
  • Better yet, have a mint julep party.
  • Learn more about it.
  • Learn more about the Kentucky Derby.

Did You Know? Derby concessionaires make approximately 125,000 Mint Juleps during the two-day Kentucky Derby event. And, they use 60,000 pounds of ice.

Kentucky Dery May Event, holidays in May

Today's Deep Thought

If a bottle of poison reaches its expiration date, is it more poisonous or no longer poisonous?

History and Origin of National Mint Julep Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of this day. It appears to have started around 2014.

This is referred to as a “National” day. However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day. 

Definition of “National” Days – and why it is important to distinguish true National days.

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