Moreholidays March Reuben Grill Day


Irish Reuben Grill Day

How to Make Reuben Grill Recipe, Corned Beef Sandwich. March 2 holidays

About Irish Reuben Grill Day

When is Irish Reuben Grill Day? This holiday is always celebrated on March 2

Some people call it a Reuben Grill, while others simply call it a Reuben sandwich. Either way, it is a popular deli and luncheon sandwich worthy of its own special holiday. Today is Reuben Grill Day. On this March 2 holiday, we celebrate and enjoy a delicious, corned beef pub-style sandwich. Those of us of Irish descent just love it. But, you don’t have to be Irish to like it. It is very popular for lunch at New York-style delis and especially Irish pubs. Reuben grill sandwiches are best enjoyed with a cold draught of Guinness Stout.   

Don’t wait until Saint Patrick’s Day to enjoy this great American Sandwich. That’s right, the Reuben Grill sandwich was first created in America, not Ireland. This sandwich was created in America. And it really has an international flavor. The ingredients include:

  • Corned Beef, a Jewish deli meat
  • Thousand Island (American) or Russian Dressing
  • Swiss Cheese
  • Sauerkraut, an Eastern European vegetable German 

Did You Know? The Reuben sandwich won the National Sandwich Idea Contest in 1956. There were over 600 entries. This contest is held annually.

Origin of the Reuben Sandwich

The origin of the Reuben Grill sandwich has two origins.

The earliest claim occurred in 1914. Arnold Reuben, owner of Reuben’s Deli on E. 58th Street was asked to make a sandwich for hungry actress Annette Seelos. He made the first Reuben sandwich on rye bread. It contained ham, turkey, Swiss cheese, coleslaw, and Russian dressing. The sandwich was not grilled or heated. It was named the “Reuben Special”.

Omaha, Nebraska was the second place to claim to be the original creator of the Reuben sandwich. Bernard Schimmel was the chef in the kitchen of his father’s Blackstone Hotel. Local grocery store owner Reuben Kulafofsky asked him to make a sandwich with corned beef and sauerkraut. Schimmell made it on rye bread, also adding Swiss cheese and Thousand Island dressing. He then grilled it.

Which of these two people is the original inventor? You make the call.

How to Celebrate Irish Reuben Grill Day

Like other food holidays, Irish Reuben Grill Day is a culinary delight. Here are some ways how to celebrate this special day:

  • Make a Reuben grill sandwich at home.
  • Go to an Irish pub and order it for lunch or dinner.
  • Introduce this great sandwich to someone who hasn’t had one before.
  • Have it as a slider.
  • Enjoy Reuben grill roll-ups.
Irish Leprechaun with Violin

Today's Irish Saying

May your blessings far outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.

History and Origin of Irish Reuben Grill Day

This holiday was created by Bob Matthews from Rochester, NY, and owner of Holiday Matthews said he created this day because a Reuben Grill is a great sandwich that deserves its own holiday. Also, we can and should enjoy it at any time of the year. Many people don’t even think of them until Saint Patrick’s Day. This holiday serves as an early reminder that you can have one today. So, don’t wait, have one today.

The date was selected simply to encourage us to have this corned beef deli sandwich at times other than Saint Patrick’s Day.  A date two weeks before seems perfect.

This Day in History

In addition to Reuben Grill Day, here are some things that happened on this day:

  • The friendly folks in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania celebrate the very first Ground Hog Day. (1887)  
  • The movie King Kong premieres. (1933)
  • Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first American Ambassador to Mexico brought Poinsettias to America was born on this day in 1779. See Poinsettia Day.

See more historical events.

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