Moreholidays March Peace Corps Day


Peace Corps Day

Peace Corps Logo

When is Peace Corps Day? This holiday is always observed on March 1

On this day in 1961, U.S. President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10924 establishing the Peace Corps. Then, on September 21, 1961, the U.S. Congress approved the Peace Corps Act. Peace Corps Day commemorates the creation of this very important U.S. government-run program.

The Peace Corps is a volunteer program. It was established to send an “army” of civilian volunteers to underdeveloped countries, assisting in a wide variety of ways. The official mission is to provide social and economic development abroad through technical assistance while promoting mutual understanding between Americans and the populations served. Volunteers are American citizens, often college graduates straight out of school. The volunteers undergo 3 months of training, followed by a two-year service assignment in practically any area of the world where they are needed. Volunteers can request an extension of their assignment.

Use Peace Corps Day to recognize the importance of this program, and to show appreciation to the many volunteers.

Did You Know? Over 235,000 Americans have joined the Peace Corps and served in over 140 countries.

How to Celebrate Peace Corps Day

  • Learn more about this great service organization.
  • Consider joining.
  • Show recognition, support, and appreciation to these volunteers.

Today's Quote

“I prefer peace. But if it must come, let it come in my time so my children can live in peace.” – – Thomas Paine

History and Origin of Peace Corps Day

The creation and purpose of the Peace Corps is well documented. We have not identified who established Peace Corps Day. This holiday dates back to before 2000. 

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Flower of the Day: Elephant Ears

Recipe of the Day: Peanut Butter Recipe

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