When is National Hot Dog Day? This holiday is celebrated on the third Wednesday in July
When is National Hot Dog Day you ask? Why, it’s today. Hot diggety dog! On this date, we celebrate one of America’s favorite summer sandwiches. It is only fitting that every dog has its’ day.
Its summertime. Hot dogs are center stage on the grill, and at picnics all across America. They are at the ballpark. They are sold from carts on street corners in every city. It’s not hard to find them. We consume hundreds of millions of hot dogs on the Fourth of July alone.
Enjoy National Hot Dog Day to the fullest. Have a couple of hot dogs for lunch or dinner. And, don’t forget to cook a few on a stick at the evening campfire.
What’s in a hot dog? Don’t ask, and we won’t tell. It’s a sausage, and that’s all we will say. Sometimes, it’s better if you don’t know.
Did You Know? Hot dogs outsell hamburgers at ballparks. The companion for National Hot Dog Day is National Mustard Day
How Many Hot Dogs Do We Eat?
We consume so many hot dogs, in so many venues, that the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council hesitates to forecast consumption. But, it does report that each year we buy over 837 million packages of hot dogs at retail outlets and over 24 million hot dogs at baseball stadiums alone.
We found no statistics about how many chili dogs are consumed annually by Americans. It is a small fraction of the estimated 70 hot dogs each American will eat in a year.
How to Celebrate National Hot Dog Day
Like other food holidays, it’s easy to celebrate National Hot Dog Day.
Eat hot dogs for lunch and dinner.
Have a cookout. You know what to put on the menu.
Have a campfire. Cook them on a stick over the fire.
Cut them up and mix them into macaroni and cheese.
Be brave. Eat one from a Convenience Store Hot Dog Roller Machine.
Today's Chuckle
What happened when the hot dog made a movie? It became an Oscar wiener.
History and Origin of National Hot Dog Day
The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council created this day and holds an annual hot dog lunch in Washington, DC. They established this special holiday on the third Wednesday of the month.
We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.
But, we firmly believe that there should be a national day for America’s Hot Dog!
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