Moreholidays July Capture the Sunset Week


Capture the Sunset Week

Sunset Week

About Capture the Sunset Week

When is Capture the Sunset Week? This holiday is celebrated on the third full week of July

July evenings are just about the best time of all. A gentle breeze wafts through the warm air. The sun is putting on a dazzling display in shades of yellow, red, orange, and purple.  It’s the perfect time to hold Capture the Sunset Week.

Sunsets are one of nature’s prettiest pictures. Not every night produces a brilliant tapestry of color at sunset. The conditions have to be just right. When a brilliant sunset does occur, it can take your breath away.  So, it’s only fair and proper, that we take a moment to show recognition and appreciation for glorious sunsets, and to snap a few pictures to capture the moment.

The sun sets every night. But, many nights it is hidden by clouds. Some nights, the sun just sets into the horizon, with just the reddening of the sun. On other nights, clouds keep the sunset from view. As a result, we need a full week of watching sunsets, in hopes of catching one or two brilliant, magnificent sunsets. When this happens, grab your camera and capture the moment. Then, share it with others on social media. Or, frame it for your living room!

Sunset-watching tip for the guys: Watching a beautiful sunset with the young lady of your dreams can create a magical moment. Make sure to tell her that while the sunset is indeed beautiful, it is not nearly as beautiful as her.

Happy Capture the Sunset Week!

How to Celebrate Capture the Sunset Week

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate Capture the Sunset Week:

  • Go out each evening and watch the dazzling colors of a brilliant sunset.
  • Capture the mount in pictures.
  • Share your beautiful sunset picture with others on social media.
  • Make it an extra-special and romantic evening. View it with that special someone along with a bottle of wine.

Today's Quote

“Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.” – – Elbert Hubbard

History and Origin of Capture the Sunset Week

This special day was created in 2017 by Bob Matthews, owner of Holiday Insights.

Bob does not create many days. But, he felt that sunsets are one of nature’s finest pictures. He said: “Sunsets are God’s artwork on display. They deserve our recognition and appreciation.” Up until now, there wasn’t a special time to recognize the magnificence of sunsets.

The third full week of July was selected, as more people are outdoors at sunset in mid-summer, increasing the chances of catching a great, maybe award-winning picture.
This holiday was established for a week instead of a daily holiday for two reasons. First, sometimes the sun just sets without putting on a dazzling display. Second, on rare evenings, it could be cloudy… heaven forbid!

Matthews says this is not a National day. Simply put, any websites including the word “National” in the title are incorrect.

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