International Stop Spam Day

When is International Stop Spam Day? This holiday is always observed on January 2
Today is International Stop Spam Day, a January 2 holiday that is relevant to the entire world. No, we’re not talking about spam, the processed pork in a can. We’re talking about the millions upon millions of junk texts, emails, and voicemails that bombard our cell phones and email accounts each and every day. It is an international problem, occurring anywhere and everywhere on the planet. Often the spammers come from offshore sites, making them unidentifiable and untouchable.
International Stop Spam Day was created to officially recognize spam texts and emails as one of the greatest scourges of our time, and to do something about it. Spam messages are a total waste of the recipient’s time and there’s seemingly no way to eliminate these time-consuming junk and scam messages from our lives. Spam filters are getting better at identifying spam. The trouble is, many spam messages still get through to your email account. And, junk mail folders sometimes trap real and important messages. That means you still need to spend time scanning the messages in your junk folder, lest you miss an important message.
What is Spam?
Spam is any unwanted text or email. These texts and emails are usually sent out in mass. There are a couple of kinds of spammers. By far the worst kind is created by scammers, who are looking to separate you from your money. In their quest for your money, their messages can appear very compelling. They have become very good at masking the source of the messages they send, making it sometimes look like it’s coming from someone you know. Valid businesses, organizations, and even individuals are another group of spammers, sending out messages that the recipient may or may not want. Often, it is from a valid sender you recognize, and whom you bought from before or have been acquainted with. But, the bottom line, is if you don’t want the message, it is spam, regardless of who sends it or what is their intent.
Ways to Participate in International Stop Spam Day
People often seem helpless to eliminate or even slow down the constant torrent of spam. There is a lot of truth to this concern. However, there are some things you can do to reduce the number of spam messages you receive. They include:
If you don’t recognize the sender, do not open the message. Delete them immediately.
Whatever you do, do not reply to messages from unknown senders.
If your email account provider allows you to adjust and personalize spam filter controls, by all means, tinker with these controls, to increase the accuracy of the spam filters.
Limit the visibility of your email address.
If you no longer want emails or texts from a retailer or other organization, unsubscribe from their mailings.
Don’t fall for signing up for mail and announcements. When filling out forms or ordering products and services, review each check box, to see if they are trying to sign you up to their mailing list.
Review website privacy policies. Avoid those that do not assure that they will not sell or share your email address or other personal information.
Today's Giggle
“There is an email going around offering processed pork, gelatin and salt in a can. Don’t open it! It’s spam.” – – Author Unknown
History and Origin of International Stop Spam Day
This holiday was created in 2020 by Bob Matthews of Holiday Insights. It was created at the start of the new year, to recognize that spam is here to stay, yet we should do everything we can to discourage its existence. Spam is an international dilemma. Start each new year right, by reviewing and strengthening your efforts to reduce unwanted spam.
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