When is Thank Your Mailman Day? This holiday is always celebrated on February 4
Thank Your Mailman Day, also called Thank Your Mail Carrier Day is today. On this February 4 holiday, we say thanks to the guy, or gal, who faithfully delivers our mail in all sorts of weather conditions. After all, your mail carrier delivers your mail six days a week. They are a hardy lot. Reliable postal workers are always there doing their job, regardless of the weather. You’ll find some mail carriers on walking routes, wearing shorts on all but the coldest of winter days.
Did you Know? Pony Express riders were the most famous early American “mailmen”. Their motto was ” Neither rain, nor snow, nor death of the night, can keep us from our duty”. This motto is believed to be taken in part from a motto dating back to ancient times. Among the most popular variation is “Through rain or snow, or sleet or hail, we’ll carry the mail. We will not fail”.
Make it a point to catch your mail carrier on his or her route today. Give him or her a great big smile and a great big “TY”. If you happen to visit your local post office, give them a thank you, too.
What's That Name?
The title of this holiday has evolved over the past twenty years. Because the creator of this day is unknown, we believe the changes are arbitrary, and certainly not made by the creator of this day.
It was originally called Thank a Mailman Day.
Then, it became Thank Your Mailman Day, a logical revision.
Another logical change altered it to Thank Your Mailman Day.
Around 2015 – 2017 a few internet websites began to call it National Thank Your Mailman Day.
How to Celebrate Thank Your Mailman Day
Watch for your mail carrier. When he arrives, run out and give him a heartfelt thanks for his work.
“I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.: – – Johnny Carso
History and Origin of Thank Your Mailman Day
Our research in the early 2000s and again in the early 2020s did not find the creator or the origin of this day.
There is no evidence to suggest that this is truly a “National” day, which requires an act of congress. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation about this special day.
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Did You Know? There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. and many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. February holidays are no exception. Consequently, at Holiday Insights, we take great efforts to thoroughly research and document the details of each one, as completely and accurately as possible.