Moreholidays February Inventors Day


National Inventors Day


About National Inventors Day

When is National Inventors Day? This holiday is always celebrated on February 11

National Inventors Day is today, a February 11 holiday. It honors Thomas Edison and all inventors, recognizing the enormous impact inventions have on technology, industry, and society worldwide. Just think about all the inventions and the resulting new products, processes, and procedures that you have seen in your lifetime. It readily gives us an appreciation for the inventors, that allowed these things to come into being.

Imagine life without some of the inventions and discoveries that provide us with warmth, comfort, food, and safety. Our modern electronic world either would not exist or would be far less advanced. Imagine no internet or cell phone. We’d ride a horse to work instead of taking our car or the subway. We might still heat our homes with a wood stove and redig by candlelight. Yes, beyond a doubt, inventors have made a much better world. 

On National Inventors Day, spend a few minutes to appreciate inventors, whatever their field. If you are lucky enough to know one, let them know just how much you appreciate them.

Laptop Computer

Famous American Inventors

Here are some of the greatest American inventors and the invention they are best known for:

  • Alexander G. Bell invented the telephone
  • Geroge Washington Carver, an agricultural scientist.
  • Benjamin Franklin was an avid inventor. Electricity, lightning rod, swimming fins.
  • Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.
  • Henry Ford, automobiles and the auto assembly process.
  • Robert H. Goddard invented the first liquid-fueled rocket.
  • Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph and created the Morse code.

How to Celebrate National Inventors Day

  • You your imagination and come up with an invention.
  • Got a great idea? Pursue a patent for it.
  • Encourage others to create and perfect ideas about processes and new things.
  • If you are an industry leader, offer incentives for new inventions and creative ideas. 
  • Pick an invention and research the inventor.

Related Holidays

Kid Inventors Day – Encourage young, inquisitive minds.

Today's Quote

“The internet is the most important single development in the history of human communications since the invention of call waiting.” – – Dave Barry

History and Origin of National Inventors Day

On February 11, 1983, U.S. President Ronald Reagan declared this day to be National Inventors Day when he issued Proclamation 5013. In the proclamation, President Reagan said “… upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Let us celebrate inventors as drivers of innovation and advancing our society.” The date was selected, as Thomas Alva Edison, the greatest inventor in U.S. history, was born on this day in 1847 in Milan, Ohio. While Edison was perhaps best known for inventing the light bulb, he held over 1,000 patents!   

While we know a lot about this national day, we do not know who proposed it to then President Reagan.

More February 11 Holidays

Here are more February 11 holidays and events to celebrate and enjoy:

Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk Day

Make a Friend Day

White T-Shirt Day

More About Today

What happened on this Day? This Day in History

Famous Birthdays

Flower of the Day: Crocus

Recipe of the Day: Mustard

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Did You Know? There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. and many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. February holidays are no exception. Consequently, at Holiday Insights, we take great efforts to thoroughly research and document the details of each one, as completely and accurately as possible.