When is National Freedom Day? This holiday is always celebrated on February 1
National Freedom Day is February 1. It celebrates the freedom and liberties endowed upon us by the Constitution of the United States. America stands as a symbol of freedom around the world. No object symbolizes our freedom more than the Liberty Bell.
National Freedom Day, established in 1948, reminds us that America stands for, and is a symbol of freedom for all people. The roots of this special day come directly from the end of slavery and the signing of the 13th amendment outlawing slavery.
Celebrate this day by reflecting upon your freedoms that you enjoy by being fortunate enough to be in America. Millions of people in the world are not free.
Most Famous Freedom Quote: “Give me liberty or give me death” – – Patrick Henry
How to Celebrate National Freedom Day
Spend a few minutes reflecting upon the freedom and liberties we enjoy in the United States.
Support and promote freedom and liberty around the world.
Hold a Freedom Day party.
Today's Quote
“Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.” – – Pope John Paul II
History and Origin of National Freedom Day
Major Richard Robert Wright Sr., a former slave, created National Freedom Day. He believed that there should be a day when freedom for all Americans is celebrated. President Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865. So, on February 1st we annually celebrate National Freedom Day.
On June 30, 1948, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming February 1st as National Freedom Day. This holiday is celebrated annually.
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