When is International Civil Aviation Day? This holiday is always observed on December 7
International Civil Aviation Day promotes awareness of the importance of international civil aviation. This December 7 holiday was created to promote and bring awareness to the importance of civil aviation for social and economic development around the world. It is also intended to promote the safety and efficiency of air transportation.
Civil air transportation is an important part of a country’s infrastructure and transportation system. Take today to appreciate the civil air system in our country.
Did You Know? There is a pilot shortage in the United States. There are fewer pilots today than in 1990.
How to Celebrate International Civil Aviation Day
Learn about the history of Civil Aviation.
Learn to fly. Follow your dream. Sign up to take a course in flying.
Take a ride in a small airplane.
Today's Quote
“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” – – Will Rogers
History and Origin of International Civil Aviation Day
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created on December 7, 1944. In 1994, ICAO celebrated the first International Civil Aviation Day, in recognition of the organization’s 50th anniversary. In 1996, The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution recognizing December 7th as International Civil Aviation Day.
More December 7 Holidays
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Did You Know? There are literally thousands of daily holidays, special events, and observances, more than one for every day of the year. and many of these holidays are new. People and organizations are creating new holidays regularly. December holidays are no exception. Consequently., at Holiday Insights, we take great efforts to thoroughly research and document the details of each one, as completely and accurately as possible.