National Mountain Climbing Day

About National Mountain Climbing Day
When is National Mountain Climbing Day? This holiday is always celebrated on August 1
Set your sights high on a lofty goal. Everyone should climb a mountain at least once in their lives. It is an exhilarating experience, with a huge reward at the peak… a big sense of accomplishment for reaching new heights. Today is National Mountain Climbing Day. Take the day off on this August 1 holiday and hike up a mountain. The views are simply exhilarating. They’ll take your breath away.
Fresh air and magnificent scenery, only adds to the joy of climbing a mountain to the summit. You might climb just one mountain, and attain pride and bragging rights to family and friends. Or, you might find the experience so rewarding, that mountain climbing becomes a new hobby, as you seek the challenge of conquering one peak after another.
National Mountain Climbing Day was established in honor of this author’s son, Bobby Matthews, and his friend Josh Madigan, for successfully climbing the 46 High Peaks of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains. These two young men, climbed the 46th peak, Whiteface Mountain, on August 1, 2015. They were formally inducted into the Adirondack 46er Club in May 2016.
Can You Climb a Mountain?
Can you climb a mountain? Sure you can! Young children under 10 years old, and senior citizens over eighty climb mountains. Josh Madigan says “It’s more stamina and mental, than strength.” So, there’s no reason you cannot climb a mountain.
Mountain climbing is a challenging hike. On occasion, a difficult climb may require using both your arms and legs on a steep portion of the climb. Rappelling a mountain, like you see when adventurers. Climbing Mount Everest is not part of the climb. Depending upon the size and difficulty, your first climb on an easy mountain will only take a couple of hours.

Bobby and Josh Describe Their Toughest Challenges
Hiking down a mountain without a boot. Josh’s boot was of poor quality and literally fell apart.
Bobby reflected upon a May 12th hike, when they came upon unexpected knee-deep snow. Without snowshoes, the hike was almost impossible to accomplish. But, they made it.
Bobby and Josh both say forecasting the weather before a trip is very important and can be difficult. Most of all, you need to avoid thunderstorms near the peak.
If you can, go climb your first mountain today. Need time to plan? That’s okay. Use today to make a goal and a plan to climb your first mountain. Then, go out and climb it. Ps. Don’t forget your camera.
Words of Wisdom for Mountain Climbing
Stay on the Trail.
As you get close, even though you may not see it, you will get to the top.
Bring plenty of water in your backpack.
Bring high-energy bars on long hikes.
There is no shame in turning around, especially if the weather gets bad, or you are injured.
Wear good quality hiking boots, no sneakers.
If you get lost, retrace your steps.
Plan your hike. Study trail maps. Most can be found online.
- Do not littler. That ruins it for those who follow your trail.
How to Celebrate National Mountain Climbing Day
Here are some ideas on how to celebrate and participate in National Mountain Climbing Day:
- Pick a mountain and set your site on the peak.
- If this is your first time, select a small one with an easy climbing rating.
- Learn about Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain.
Thought for Today
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger… Except for bears… Bears will kill you dead.

History and Origin of National Mountain Climbing Day
National Mountain Climbing Day was established in 2016 by Bob Matthews, from Rochester, NY. Bob is the creator and author of
August 1st is a perfect time for this holiday and to climb your first mountain. It is the middle of the summer season, and the weather is most likely to be good.
This is not an official “National” day. There is neither a U.S. Congressional resolution nor a proclamation from the President…yet. Let’s change that. Write to your local congressperson.
Definition of “National” Days – and why it is so important to distinguish and identify true national days.
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