International Lottery Day

About International Lottery Day
When is International Lottery Day? This holiday is always celebrated on August 27
Today is International Lottery Day. I bet you’re going to love this holiday. Hopefully, today you will find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. On this August 27 holiday, try your luck. All it takes is a dollar and a dream. Forget all the scrimping and saving you’ve done, all in an effort to barely squeak by. When you win, you’ll live on easy street. Then, you can buy anything and everything that you want. And, you can travel the world. Fly in first class and stay at the fanciest hotels. They say, “Money can’t buy happiness”. But, it’s going to be fun testing this theory.
Like other games of chance, lotteries offer hope and appeal to our dreams and fantasies of winning the big jackpot. Along with the big win, we dream of living in a huge mansion, boats and yachts, cars, vacations, and many other material things. And, think of the things you no longer have to do. Your lawn and gardens are all maintained for you. There’s no more cleaning, dusting, or mopping. Your personal chef makes the best meals. And, your butlers and maids tend to all of the needs of the household. Yes, after you win the lottery, life is going to be great.
So, we hope you celebrate International Lottery Day and its long history. Certainly, the best way to do so, is to buy some tickets.
About Lotteries
Most, if not all cultures, have a long history of lotteries. This game of chance began in Ancient China and Greece. The oldest recording of lotteries dates to Keno games played in China in 201 B.C. Researchers found a form of Keno slips from this ancient time. Also, Roman Augustus Caesar held the first lottery with tickets for sale. Early colonists first played the game in America.
Lotteries are games of chance. It is a gamble. First, you invest a dollar or two on a ticket. Then, you wait anxiously for the drawing in hopes your number is called, changing your life forever. Winning the jackpot does not always change our life for the good. Rather, sometimes it has unpleasant results. About Amazingly,70% of lottery jackpot winners spend or lose the entire amount within seven years.
Lotteries are held for all sorts of reasons. Often the proceeds go to charities to help those in need. Organizations hold them to support their operating expenses, and for special programs. And, governments use the proceeds to fund public works programs, educational programs, support seniors in the community, and construction projects. It is a painless way for town and state governments to raise income instead of raising taxes.
Also, there are other non-monetary forms of lottery. For example:
- Many prizes are for cars, boats, or trips.
- Military drafts are sometimes referred to as lotteries.
- When you put names in a hat to determine the winner of something, you’re holding a lottery.
Did You Know? More people would rather win the lottery jackpot than find true love!
International Lottery Day Facts and Trivia
As you enjoy this holiday, here are some interesting lottery trivia and facts:
- The most commonly drawn numbers in the lottery are 38,40, and 44.
- The most common numbers people use in the lottery end in 7.
- Approximately $70 billion is spent on tickets every year.
- Not to put a damper on things, but the odds of winning a lottery can be as high as 350 million to one.
- A person is more likely to become president than win the lottery jackpot.
- Stanford professor Joan R. Ginther won the lottery four times. The odds of this happening is around 1 in 18 septillions. But, hey, you never know.
- We love lotteries and other games of chance. As a matter of fact, we spend more money on tickets for the game than music, books, movies, video games, and sports combined.
- In 2010, Israel’s weekly state lottery drew the same numbers six times in a row.
- New York residents spend over $9B a year on tickets, the most of any state. Residents in North Dakota, spend the least.
- Women play more often than men.
- The IRS takes up to 40% of your gross winnings. And, your state takes their share, too.
How to Celebrate and Participate in International Lottery Day
Here are some ideas on how to celebrate and participate in International Lottery Day:
- Looking for your pot of gold? Buy some tickets. Obviously, if you want to win, you have to buy at least one ticket.
- Hold a lottery. Offer monetary or non-monetary rewards.
- Buy a bunch of tickets. Then, give them away to family and friends.
- Start a lottery pool with family, friends, or co-workers. You never know, Tomorrow, you might not have to go to work.
- Have a party when the drawing is held. Everyone needs to bring a ticket. Or, as the host, buy tickets for all of the guests.
Today's Quotes
“Here’s something to think about: How come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery?” – – Jay Leno
“I figure you have the same chance of winning the lottery whether you play or not.” – – Fran Lebowitz
History and Origin of International Lottery Day
Our research did not find the creator of International Lottery Day. Nor, did we discover why it was created. Thus, we speculate a person who loves lotteries created it to share their love of the game with others. We explored the website of the World Lottery Association. We found no reference to this holiday on their website.
The earliest reference we found to this holiday was in 2020.
It makes sense that this holiday is an international one. Lotteries are popular around the world. And ancient cultures have played them for thousands of years.
This Day in History
Here are some things that happened on this day:
- Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia erupts with a force of over 1,300 megatons. One of the biggest natural disasters ever recorded. It was heard over 3,000 miles away, creating an over 120-foot tsunami. (1883)
- Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in over 60,000 years at just 34,646,418 miles apart. (2003)
- Mother Teresa, nun, founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, was born on this day in 1910.
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