National Bacon Lovers Day

About National Bacon Lovers Day
When is National Bacon Lovers Day? This holiday is always celebrated on August 20
Does the smell of bacon sizzling in a frying pan in the kitchen get your mouth watering and cause hunger pains to set it in? Do you eat it every chance you get? Do you eat it in a wide variety of recipes including dessert recipes? If so, you’re a bonafide Bacon-a-holic. And, you’re in luck. National Bacon Lovers Day is today. We all know that bacon is salty, smoky, and delicious. And, we also know that it is not healthy for us. But, bacon is not all bad. It contains proteins and vitamins B1, B3, and B12. So, on this August 20 holiday, let’s all put away our healthy diet long enough to enjoy a day full of this artery-clogging meat. And, while you’re enjoying this salty holiday, read our Bacon Trivia and Fun Facts.
Prior to the invention of refrigeration, salting and smoking bacon and other meats was a common way to preserve meats for an extended period. Making bacon begins with the pork bellies of pigs. Pork bellies contain a hefty amount of fat. Often, there is so much fat in the pork belly, that manufacturers cut off some of the excessive fat before seasoning and curing it. Salt and sometimes other flavorings are generously applied. Then, you smoked it. Smoking it using different types of wood like applewood or hickory adds different flavors to the finished product. The result is a crunchy, heavenly, and irresistible flavor.
Bacon Anything and Everything
Bacon is one of the most versatile meats. And it’s less expensive than most cuts of meat. You can enjoy it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There’s bacon flavored snacks, too. So, don’t forget snack time. There are countless uses for it. BLTs or bacon burgers anyone!? How about bacon-wrapped meats? It adds flavors and moistens virtually any meat. And don’t forget to wrap vegetables with bacon before grilling them. But, that’s not all. Bacon is used in cakes, cupcakes, puddings, and even ice cream. So, as you enjoy this culinary holiday, don’t forget to have it for dessert.
Famous Bacons
There are a number of people with this name. Here are some notable ones:
Sir Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) was an English philosopher and statesman.
Kevin Bacon is an American actor. He starred in many movies, including National Lampoon’s Animal House, Footloose, and Apollo 13.
Roger Bacon was a 13th century Franciscan friar. He pioneered the scientific method. And, he developed a mathematical formula for the Big Bang theory.
Bacon Trivia and Fun Facts
Here are some interesting bacon trivia and fun facts to consider as you chew on a few pieces of smoky, salted bacon:
- Around 1,500 B.C. ancient Chinese created the first form of bacon when they began salting pork bellies to preserve them.
- Before the 16th century, bacon referred to any cut of pork.
- In 1924, Oscar Meyer patented the first pre-sliced bacon. At the time, it was only available at butcher shops. Then in 1948, Oscar Meyer marketed the first cellophane-packaged bacon. Sales took off.
- The average American consumes 18 pounds per year.
- According to a Smithfield study, 65% of Americans would vote it to be our national food.
- Bacon is made from pork belly. It is smoked and cured.
- During World War II, the American Fat Salvage Committee collected bacon fat. The fat is used to make Glycerin, an ingredient used to make explosives.
- In addition to pork, it is also made from beef, chicken, lamb, goat, and turkey.
- Properly stored, it has a long shelf life.
- It is popular around the world. The only notable exception is Israel, as the Jewish religion prohibits pork consumption.
- Turkey bacon is kosher.
- Bacon is a $4B industry.
- There are many bacon-flavored foods. Among them are cheese, chocolate-covered bacon, peanut brittle, soda pop, popcorn, and ice cream.
- Four pieces of bacon has approximately 800 mg of sodium. The recommended daily allowance is 2,000 mg of salt.
How to Celebrate and Participate in National Bacon Lovers Day
Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate National Bacon Lovers Day:
- Eat bacon! Enjoy it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
- Try a recipe you’ve never had before. We’re sure you will like it. Bacon is delicious in any and all recipes.
- Have an “Everything Bacon” party. Invite guests to make and bring their favorite bacon recipe.
- Share one of your favorite bacon recipes.
- Share your creations on social media.
- Make bacon cupcakes and bring them to work to share with your co-workers.

National Bacon Lovers Day Quote
“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.” – – Doug Larson
History and Origin of National Bacon Lovers Day
In 2015, a video showing a bacon-wrapped grilled cheese sandwich was posted on the internet. It immediately went viral. This sparked an interest in bacon. As a result, National Bacon Lovers Day. And, the world has not been the same since.
Our extensive research has not yet identified who created this holiday. Or why. Of course, it was most likely created by someone who loves bacon. Also, we did not discover why August 20 was selected to celebrate this holiday.
We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.
Definition of “National” Days – and why it is important to distinguish true National days.
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Here are some things that happened on this day:
- The Civil War is formally declared to be over by President Andrew Johnson. (1866)
- The Dial telephone is patented. (1896)
- NBC TV meteorologist Al Roker was born on this day in 1954.
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