Moreholidays November Pumpkin Destruction Day


Pumpkin Destruction Day

Pumpkins Glowing

When is Pumpkin Destruction Day? This holiday is observed on the second Saturday in November

Pumpkin Destruction Day comes along at just the right time. Halloween is over. Sadly, it is time to dispose of leftover pumpkins. So, why not have a little fun while doing so.? First of all, farms, garden centers and many other stores usually have plenty of unsold pumpkins. Secondly, you and I likely have carved and uncarved pumpkins. We need to dispose of them in some manner. However, your uncarved pumpkins can be kept for Thanksgiving decorations.

The objective of Pumpkin Destruction Day is to have a little fun while destroying leftover pumpkins. Once they have been smashed, dropped from a sufficient height, jumped on, or otherwise obliterated, it is important to put the remains into your compost pile or a composting facility. A big part of the reason for this day is to keep millions of pumpkins out of landfills.

Today’s Band: Smashing Pumpkins

How to Celebrate Pumpkin Destruction Day

Today is all about having fun with pumpkins as you destroy them. Use your imagination. Make up a game or other fun way to destroy them. There’s an almost unlimited number of ways to destroy them.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Smash them with a hammer or mallet.
  • Make a game of who can hit it with a rock from a distance.
  • Simply slice it into pieces.
  • Toss them down from the top of a ladder or tall building.
  • Shoot them out of an air cannon.
  • Use them as target practice for a bow and arrow or a rifle. 

Regardless of what method you use to secure their demise, the final step is to compost them. Don’t put them into the landfill.

Jack O'Lantern

Alternatives to Smashing Pumpkins

If you’re not into smashing pumpkins, they can be left out in some areas to feed wildlife. A wide range of animals eat pumpkins, including deer. If you’re in a rural setting, it is fun to place pumpkins near the edge of the woods and watch the deer feed upon them.

Donate pumpkins to zoos. Some of the animals eat them.

All pumpkins are edible. There’s an almost unlimited number of recipes for cooking and baking pumpkins.  Find pumpkin recipes now.

Today's Chuckle

I envy people who age gracefully. They age like a fine wine. I age like milk…. becoming sour and chunky. Author Unknown

History and Origin of Pumpkin Destruction Day

Adam Pugh, the General Manager of Rock Ranch in The Rock, Georgia created this day in 2006. Pugh asked the ranch owners for permission for people to “smash the leftover pumpkins for fun”. The smashed pumpkins would be left in the field to rot as compost, thus avoiding putting them needlessly into landfills. Rock Ranch is a 1,500-acre ranch created by Chick-fill-A founder S. Truett Cathy as a foster home for kids. Pugh was given permission for this event, and it was a huge success.

This holiday originated as “Pumpkin Destruction Day”. It is also listed in the 2020 Chase Calendar of Events as “Pumpkin Destruction Day”, with reference to Adam Pugh, the creator. Some internet sites incorrectly refer to it as “National Pumpkin Destruction Day”.

We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation creating this day as a true national day.

Definition of “National” Days

There are also several internet references to “Pumpkin Destruction Day” or “Pumpkin Smashing Day” sponsored by individual local greenhouses or pumpkin farms. These local events are generally held a week shortly after Halloween.  

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Recipe of the Day: Creamed Cheese Pumpkin Bars

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