National Goof Off Day

About National Goof Off Day
When is National Goof Off Day? This holiday is always observed on March 22
Now here’s a day that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It is National Goof Off Day, a March 22 holiday. This is a day to do anything and everything…..except what you’re supposed to do today. Normally, we all work pretty hard. So, a day to idle around doing nothing is well-deserved.
Assuming you won’t get in trouble at work or school, go ahead and play some golf, or play games all day. Spend extra time surfing the net. Go out and spend the day window-shopping with your favorite friend. If you’ve got chores to do at home, go fishing instead. Or, just read sit down and read a book or watch TV. This day is set aside for you to do anything you enjoy doing.
A few years ago, a survey was performed to identify the most popular activity for goofing off. The top activity was playing video games. Who conducted the survey? Nintendo…….no surprise. It kinda makes you wonder just who might have had the brainstorm to create this day……hmmmm. Nowadays, the most popular Goof Off Day activity is likely playing games on the internet, or on our smartphones.
How to Participate in National Goof Off Day
This can be a really fun day.
- Don’t do anything today.
- Call in sick or take a day’s vacation.
- Cancel your appointments.
- Play around on your computer or smartphone.
- Do something goofy.
It’s too bad that this day is celebrated in March. Wouldn’t it be a fun day to spend in a hammock?
Today's News Alert!
There is a suspicious email going around offering pork, gelatin, and salt in a can. Do not open it. It’s Spam!
History and Origin of National Goof Off Day
Monica “Moeller” Dufour of Davison Mi. and her grandfather created this special day. Here’s what she told us:
“My Grandfather, William D. Chase, created Chases’ Calendar. When I was 10, (1976) I was listening to him speaking on a radio station encouraging people to call with ideas. I disguised my voice and called with Goof-Off Day (since I was goofing off by calling in). He said there wasn’t such a day, but he thought it was a great idea. The next day, I confessed to him I called in about Goof-Off Day. He smiled and showed me a local newspaper that said there was a need for a Goof-Off Day. I guess the reporter got wind of the interview. Anyway, that is how the holiday began….”
We could find no information to suggest that this day is truly a “National” day. We did find references to this day as International Goof Off Day (on the same date). Again, there are no known records making it official.
More March 22 Holidays
Here are more March 22 holidays for you to celebrate and enjoy:
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